I´m back!
I guess it is time to jot a couple things down... eh?
So, my loooooong winter break was fantastic! I did nothing. I drank beer, hung out with the boys club and did nothing. Oh so chilled and I loved it! Loved loved LOVED it! Thanks guys! I also got to see Lindsay and Nolan and I swear to God we are talking about such a cute little family! He pissed on my bed... but I do not care... he is so cute! ;) Best of wishes to Lindsay!
So I am back on the klake... Suðureyrar city. It is going well. I´m working a lot and loving not having to study and be stressed every single day! A total 180 from how it was before. The "simple life" can be good! ;)
Friðdóra and Örn had two baby girls! CONGRATULATIONS! I cannot wait to go to Reykjavík to see them! That is the next thing on my to do list!!!
I´m going to a Þorrablót, an Icelandic holiday where we Icelanders eat sheep’s head, sour sheep balls, shark, dried fish and much much more! Doesn´t it sound spectacular? Anywho, this pagan holiday is on February 2 in Suðureyri. It´s going to be a blast! Cannot wait! All kinds of old traditional Icelandic food. Some find it nasty... but the nastiness of the food and the mood it creates makes it all the more fun! I´ll have to take pictures of the sour sheep balls for you all.
Otherwise I´ve just been hanging out... taking the dogs, Sally and Sóldán (pictures will come later), on great, mind easing walks. Oh the great outdoors. My best friends: dogs. Hildur the allergenic girl and the dogs. What a match!
Well... I will post again soon... hopefully! Pictures will be coming in soon... Although I have been saying that for about a month now.