Thursday, April 28, 2005


THIS IS THE LAST LECTURE!!! yes! So, all that is left is a test tomorrow and an essay that I have to finish before the 9th! NO SWEAT! The legal department dressed up today to CeLebRatE!!!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I´m A sPinnInG tOp

Tell me... if my mind is spinning, if my ideas are spinning, if information in my mind is spinning, if names and dates in my mind are spinning, if important thoughts in my mind are spinning, if I feel like the world is spinning... am I then a spinster?

If one can not figure out... then my world is spinning like crazy at the moment. I am forgetting important thoughts and sometimes because i'm crazy busy, i seem like a bitch. Entschuldigung!

Whoever pulled my string....



Monday, April 25, 2005

Pheww.... This is a great day! The sun is shining, once again, the weather is great, once again and I don´t have that test hanging over my shoulder anymore! Man, Friday was quite a day, I had the test that i had been stressing about for months. Wouldn´t you know, we got the same bloody test! Haha... isn´t that strange. I tell you, we got the test in our hands and we were like 'you have got to be kidding me!' ... not something that we expected in University. Then that evening one girl in my class had a class party. There I saw the side of my fellow classmates that I had not seen before :) usually a pleasure though!!! :)
Then that Saturday I went with the kids in the swim team to a swim camp in Dalvík. It was lots of fun and the kids were so happy being there. I was there from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon. Kids are hallarious.

Now I only have one week of school left. I do not even know how to explain this feeling in my stomach... EXCITEMENT i guess. I cannot wait to go home and see the fam!

I cannot wait to go to the pool later on today! The sun is gorgeous!!!
Hildur the Sun Creature

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Gleðilegt Sumar!!!

HAPPY SUMMER! Oh the weather is great today, not as sunny as yesterday, but still great. It is 10° c outside, and i walked to school only in a sweater. All right, i was wearing pants too, but hopefully ya´ll know what I mean :) So, the big test tomorrow... I´m feeling nauseous!

The Legal Department is inviting Kumpáni (the social and legal department) to go to the beer factory, Víking, tomorrow! After that there is a class party for us cool cats. On Saturday I may be going to supervise some kids in our swim club at swim camp. That could be fun. It´s in Dalvík and what the hey, it could be good to get away... especially if the weather is going to stay like this!
Well, I am gonna keep studying...
the cOoL CaT

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

No longer is there a

Guestbook. I decided that i am no longer going to have a guestbook, and I am just going to hold on to my decision. It is though fun reading the comments for the posts, so if you have an opinion, THEN COMMENT!
This week has been fairly insane, especially yesterday. I went to class, went to spinning, went to study, went to a Torg, went to a FSHA meeting, studied once again, went to a coach meeting and went back once once again to school to study. When I finally got home I passed out on the couch. Crazy stress this week... I have to take a re-test on Friday which I am crazy stressed for, cross your fingers for me :)

First day of summer tomorrow. Icelanders celebrate summer and make it a holiday, CUTE.

Hope eVeRyOnE has a SPLENDID day!
Hildur Sólveig

Friday, April 15, 2005

Trouble with cars? GET A BIKE!

Tinna and Adda arrived yesterday. Man, what a trip they had getting here! They were driving along the mud roads, and then da da, Tinna see´s a glacier in the ocean. The photography prodigy in her felt the bursting need to go take a picture, so Adda stops the car in the middle of a hill. Mistake number one. Tinna takes a picture, names the glacier, they get back in the car and try to drive off... without luck. The car starts fizzing, smoke coming up from the engine and they, except for Adda, jump out of the car for the fear of it blowing up. Luckily, there was a car behind them with a bottle of water, they pour it in the water thing, and are able to drive off. In the frantic moment, one of the girls with them drops her wallet on the dirt road and they drive off. They have to make pit stops at random farms and ask old farmers for some water in their 4 water bottles. Finally they make it to Akureyri, after having calling police all around the country, in desperation of finding the girls wallet.... now tell me, who said girls can´t drive, travel, and hold on to valuable possessions? :)

The long road brought them here though, and a fun weekend is expected :)


the one who thinks bikes are much more conventional

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Íslenska öskra þau!

Æ... ég er ekki viss.... þoli þið það.... geti þið virkilega.... nei.... æj..... hmm.... kannski? Við skulum bara segja að þið getið það.
Svona þarf ég mikla sannfæringu til að skrifa á íslensku. God help me. En, ef þetta er eithvað brenglað, þá er það Hauki að kenna. Hann er svo latur og nennir ekki að lesa á ensku, synd... gæti hjálpað honum í skólanum ;) Tja, ég sit hérna nú í matsalnum í þessum æðislega skóla mínum, drekk kaffi, hlusta á Jay-Z (respect) og er að fylgjast með karli að setja svona plast á 'fiskabúrið' svo að ekki er hægt að horfa inn. Það er sammt alveg ágætt, ég meina, skiljanlegt... þetta er fundarherbergi. Vá hvað það er mikið að gera hjá mér. Morgundagurinn er síðasti dagurinn til að skila inn Sæluhelgarlag til Mannsavinina. Ekki tók ég þátt.
Ég held að mér er farið að leiðast svoldið hérna á Akureyri, en vonandi breytir sumarinu því. Ég hlakka svo til í að fara heim!
Skál fyrir kaffinu!
Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The stork who brings a live surprise

Cha-cha-cha-cha-changes... turn and face the strange, CHA-CHA-CHANGES!

I like this new look. I like it a lot. Sometimes things need to change, it goes with the seasons. Today is a b-e-a-utiful day. Sun is shining, um... and that's it. But, it's better than it being cloudy without any sun. I am in school at the moment, learning about the United Kingdom laws... splendid. We just took a coffee break, and something interesting came up in the conversation that my peers and I just had. (By the way, in the UK, a peer is the name of a member of the house of lords) The topic of the conversation's topic: being pregnant without knowing it. How strange would that be if all of a sudden you started having contractions without knowing you were pregnant?? This really does happen from time to time. I mean, if you are taking the pill, then you can still have your monthly outings to the pharmacy to buy some ALWAYS... and some people really do not drastically change in outlook. What a pleasant surprise it must be to all of a sudden just pop out a kid and all of a sudden become a mum, without any preparation. Does one agree...??? hmm, no not really. The act of being pregnant must be an experience for itself, and I would not like to miss out of it, and all of a sudden pop out a kid. I mean, come on, pregnant women get spoiled by those around them!!! ;) (hmmm... how many agree with that?) hehe, this is all on the light note...


one who will not get a surprise visit from the stork!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Little angel in my ear

Jeez, I'm starting to believe that is a load of bollucks. Every time i try to post a picture on the blog itself, it doesn't work. I just spent approximately an hour trying to get a "visitor counter" to work, without success. It sucks when you work so long trying to do something, and then it just doesn't work. It's like one of those DEADLY long math problems, like trig or statistics, that takes forever long... and when you think you've finally gotten the answer, you get slapped in the face by a 7 and get scared because seven ate nine. Funny how life is.

So yesterday there was the annual meeting of Kumpáni, the Social and Legal department here in the University of Akureyri. I am going to be the representative of the Legal department in the new council. It should be tons of fun, I do not believe anything else. Fun events will hopefully be planned while we are in 'office'.

I finally got Doro´s msn address... So I am talking to her a lot more now. Splendid!


Tinna and Adda are coming to Akureyri for the singing competition between the junior colleges. Tinna will stay at my place the entire weekend, Adda will only stay one day. Should be a lot of fun! A little angel is always whispering in my ear though, telling me to study study study for the re-take of the Líndal test. Lovely.

I´m gonna go bounce, but in the meantime... keep your feet on the ground :)



Hildur Sólveig*

Monday, April 11, 2005

Headlines Headlines

Let us see, news news news... what was in the news last night? Oh I've got one, Sharon is visiting Bush at his ranch in Texas. Great, just what another leader needs to know about the American people: talk with a crazy texan accent, wear gi-normous cowboys hats and hang around all day, from the break of dawn til the sunsets, in our ranch. Yes, not every leader gets to go to Bush's ranch, that's where they go to get a little down to nature, and God knows that's exactly where Sharon needs to go to realize that he's making a huge mistake. But, for some reason I do not believe that will be accomplished in Sharon's trip, for he is going to a ranch that is run on wealth from the oil companies. Can one relax when surrounded by corruption? -sure, i guess if corruption like, for example building walls that seperate and enclose Palestinians from Israelis, makes you comfortable. I think Sharon will have a blast there, discussing with the world's most dangerous world leader, Bush.

Speaking of world leaders, the president of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, is speaking today at the University. Perhaps my feet will lead me to him? Perhaps not.

Last headline: I cannot wait to go home!!!


HiLdUr SóLveIg

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

No Cars??

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if there were no cars. What kind of an invention would have taken the place of the 4 wheeled vehicle that we use oh so much? Would we have made more technological things to fit a horse or maybe some crazy convenient boat that gets from point A to B like the snap of your finger? HOOVER CARS! Most definatly. Maybe not in the form of a car, since the form does not serve the same purpose. When driving from Ísafjörður, me and this guy were talking about how cool it would be if you could just hoover over the billion fjords that you have to drive when traveling the West Fjords. Instead of Land Rover, you got the Land Hoover. As they say in the beer commercial... BRILLIANT!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Yea Yea Yea Yea YeaYea Yea

Lalalalalala lalalalalala soul captives are free!!!
So on Saturday I went to Sjallinn here in Akureyri and saw another rock concert. The main event... Nine Elevens were playing. They are a group that has their origin from Ísafjörður, crazy ass mother fuckers that wear leather pants and are bare chested... much like the vikings were in the olden days ;) There was a lot of yelling, headbanging and guitars on fire. I have to admit that that was pretty damn cool. Valdi´s facial expressions when he´s up on the stage belong on the big screen, i´m telling you, Jack Nicholson nr. 2!! hehe.
After that, Herdís and I went to Kaffi Akureyri, and it was fairly fun! Some were preoccupied talking to certain someones... and some were stuck on the dance floor. Hmm... who could those people be?
So, the Pope has passed away, I really have to read up on him... don´t nearly know enough about his good acts.
Michael Jackson is still on trial... wish we would learn about that in school. Instead, we are writing an essay on the International Court of Justice, which is amusing and fun, but come on... some court in Haag... or Michael Jackson....?!?!?
Coffee still tastes damn good.
Bob Marley is still an idol.
Bob Marley will always be an idol.
Bob Marley was the pope of Reggae.
Reggae is not rock.
This is crazy.
Over and out.
Akureyrar Sól

Friday, April 01, 2005

They're here!

PICTURES FROM EASTER ARE HERE!!! Pictures from aldrei fór ég suður are under Paskar 2005. Enjoy!!!!
Pictures from this Easter and Aldrei Fór Ég Suður are on the picture page!
Go check them out and see how b-e-a-utiful the people are in the Westfjords of Iceland!!!
The pictures from 'Aldrei Fór Ég Suður' are a sub-album of the Easter/paskar pictures.
hildur s.