Friday, April 15, 2005

Trouble with cars? GET A BIKE!

Tinna and Adda arrived yesterday. Man, what a trip they had getting here! They were driving along the mud roads, and then da da, Tinna see´s a glacier in the ocean. The photography prodigy in her felt the bursting need to go take a picture, so Adda stops the car in the middle of a hill. Mistake number one. Tinna takes a picture, names the glacier, they get back in the car and try to drive off... without luck. The car starts fizzing, smoke coming up from the engine and they, except for Adda, jump out of the car for the fear of it blowing up. Luckily, there was a car behind them with a bottle of water, they pour it in the water thing, and are able to drive off. In the frantic moment, one of the girls with them drops her wallet on the dirt road and they drive off. They have to make pit stops at random farms and ask old farmers for some water in their 4 water bottles. Finally they make it to Akureyri, after having calling police all around the country, in desperation of finding the girls wallet.... now tell me, who said girls can´t drive, travel, and hold on to valuable possessions? :)

The long road brought them here though, and a fun weekend is expected :)


the one who thinks bikes are much more conventional


  1. Anonymous said...

    Yes bikes.... that's what poor people who do not have cars use. Terrible terrible terrible.

  2. Anonymous said...

    by the way, conventional does not make sense... it should be convenient. ;)

  3. Anonymous said...

    haha!þetta var bara fyndið og ógeðslega skemmtilegt!! gaman eftir á allavega ;) en by the way, þá fann ég, já ég! ég fann veskið hennar dagnýjar á leiðinni til baka! brúnt veskiá brúnum vegi þremur dögum eftir og eftir að löggan hafði farið þrisvar yfir þennan veg að leita!!ég ætti að gerast lögga?! hmh