Thursday, April 21, 2005

Gleðilegt Sumar!!!

HAPPY SUMMER! Oh the weather is great today, not as sunny as yesterday, but still great. It is 10° c outside, and i walked to school only in a sweater. All right, i was wearing pants too, but hopefully ya´ll know what I mean :) So, the big test tomorrow... I´m feeling nauseous!

The Legal Department is inviting Kumpáni (the social and legal department) to go to the beer factory, Víking, tomorrow! After that there is a class party for us cool cats. On Saturday I may be going to supervise some kids in our swim club at swim camp. That could be fun. It´s in Dalvík and what the hey, it could be good to get away... especially if the weather is going to stay like this!
Well, I am gonna keep studying...
the cOoL CaT


  1. Anonymous said...

    Jamm.. Gleðilegt sumar sömuleiðis! :D

  2. Anonymous said...

    Gleðilegt sumar skvísa!:)

  3. Anonymous said...

    Gleðilegt sumar :D