Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Little angel in my ear

Jeez, I'm starting to believe that blogspot.com is a load of bollucks. Every time i try to post a picture on the blog itself, it doesn't work. I just spent approximately an hour trying to get a "visitor counter" to work, without success. It sucks when you work so long trying to do something, and then it just doesn't work. It's like one of those DEADLY long math problems, like trig or statistics, that takes forever long... and when you think you've finally gotten the answer, you get slapped in the face by a 7 and get scared because seven ate nine. Funny how life is.

So yesterday there was the annual meeting of Kumpáni, the Social and Legal department here in the University of Akureyri. I am going to be the representative of the Legal department in the new council. It should be tons of fun, I do not believe anything else. Fun events will hopefully be planned while we are in 'office'.

I finally got Doro´s msn address... So I am talking to her a lot more now. Splendid!


Tinna and Adda are coming to Akureyri for the singing competition between the junior colleges. Tinna will stay at my place the entire weekend, Adda will only stay one day. Should be a lot of fun! A little angel is always whispering in my ear though, telling me to study study study for the re-take of the Líndal test. Lovely.

I´m gonna go bounce, but in the meantime... keep your feet on the ground :)



Hildur Sólveig*