Thursday, March 30, 2006


Jæja, þá eru kosningar í Stjórn FSHA á morgun. Eins og staðan er akkurat núna, eru tveir að bjóða sig fram í Formann, tveir í Varaformann, ég er ein að bjóða mig fram í Skemmtanastjóra, og 4 komnir í Almenna Stjórn FSHA. Þetta eiga eftir að verða spennandi kosningar og því hvet ég alla til að mæta!!!
En, hvað er búið að vera að gerast í heimnum hennar Hildar?? Ég skal nu segja ykkur það. Í gær voru pallborðsumræður í matsalnum á Sólborg. Það eina sem við skulum minnast á um mína þáttöku er bara... HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Dísus hvað mín var eithvað stressuð og óheppin með orðin sín. Svo endaði ég alltaf setninguni með hærra tón en ég byrjaði setninguni á. Vávává, þetta var nú fyndið og mikið hlegið og gera gys af mér. harharhahr...
Heyrið, svo er sveitaball á morgun... eftir Aðalfundinn! Yoohooo, þannig að þetta verður skemmtileg og skrautleg helgi. Ætli maður fái sér smá öl? Ég veit nú ekki, getur verið að 'Svarta Lambið' fái sér eitt glas ;)
En jæja, þá er ég búin að skrifa eitt blogg á íslensku, vonandi eru þið 'hin' sátt við þetta!!!

Skjaldbakan kallar á mig og því verð ég að fara

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What have I been doing...

The weekend's events
1. Went to a meeting with the Feminist Organisation of Akureyri
1. Went to the gym.
2. Took a 2-3 hour nap!!! yikes!
3. Went to the pool. Managed to get myself to swim 500 m.
4. Went to Sara´s with Dagný and had a pint
5. Went downtown and had several pints ;)
6. Went home and slept
1. HOMEGIRL went skiing!!! First time ever in Akureyri, and I will tell you, I haven´t fallen so often since I don´t know when!!! I mean COME ON! I´m not THAT bad at skiing, but we did something that I have never in my life done before... skiied on crazy powder that was about knee-waist deep!!! Now i´ll tell ya´ll, that´s some crazy hard shit to do! I was on my ass the whole time, LITERALLY!! But it was DAMN fun!
2. Took a nap (starting to act like the little kids)
3. Started and finished an assignment
4. Went to the HJÁLMAR concert!!! They were so great, but I was maybe just a little too tired.
5. Went home and slept for many many hours!
1. Nada
2. Went to see the movie 'Matador' with my girl María. The cold humour was great!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

California dreaming

I'm shaking in my cheese!!!
Brrr... the frost king is blowing chills over to Akureyri. Cold cold cold it is at the moment. So cold that it decided to snow yesterday! Yep, not good stuff. Yesterday Sólveig invited me to dinner. Man, the day I cook like her.... that will be a great day. Campbell's Soup, SEE YOU LATER!
I bought a kitchen light, a light that hangs in the kitchen, in Ikea last weekend. My dumb ass can't even put it up! Don't worry, Dagný's can't either. Two chickens in a box with our heads cut off. No, we're not that simple... we needed a screwdriver.
Elections for the Student Council are on the 31. of March! Yippee!!! Campaigns start erm, I would say today, and last until elections. I hope people make tons of posters etc!!!
Well, I'm gonna get going right now... class almost ove-a!
Hildur S

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feminista Félag Akureyrar er farið að hræra í fólki. Ég legg til að þig lesið þessa grein, þessa er svoldið skemmtilegt og fyndið...
Svo er það líka þessi grein...

These articles were written by the Feminist Organization of Akureyri.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

sun is shining....

The sun shone today on the town of Akureyri. This morning I went swimming with Vala (1st year law student). It´s so funny how the weather has an affect on how you feel. Today has been so relaxed and just nice. Watch it snow tomorrow ;)
So, homegirl´s probably going to be going to Reykjavík on Saturday. Hopefully I´ll get a rental car to take to the big city. That would make my life much easier. wrooom wrooom wrooom....!!!
Stína´s gonna shoot me soon if I don´t come eat dinner with her family. It´s good to know someone´s trying to fatten me up!!!

Sun is shining the weather is sweet
make you want to move, your dancing feet
to the rescue, here I am
want you to know, ya´ll, where I stand

Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have finished my research paper... 9 minutes before due-time!!!
Yeah baby, yeah...

harharhar... I´m the research paper badass...


Monday, March 13, 2006

Why oh why will my brain not let me study?!
I chatted with Leah for a second today, she bought her ticket!!! The Leahster is coming to the Klake. That will be a great day for Iceland... :)


a new background

So this weekend I went to Reykjavík. I know that the plan was to visit people and finish my research paper... I did neither. I was pretty busy though, so it´s all right. I have to finish the paper by midnight on Tuesday, so enough time enough time.
I changed the background of my blog, as you may see. I don´t know how long I will keep it, we´ll see.
So now I have to be in school from 8:10 in the morning to 11:45. This is very hard. Far too early in the morning... Well, guess I better pay attention.
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, March 09, 2006

kiss me baby...

Reykjavík Reykjavík here I come!!!!

Today I will be going on a journey to the ever most magical city of Reykjavík. There I will relax, finish my research paper and visit people who I haven´t visited in a LONG long time.

It will be fun...


p.s. i will probably post pictures from the yearly fest for a while... ;)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What are we doing to Palestine??

How many people really know what's going on in Palestine.
Watch this clip about the Wall of Hate that is being built in Palestine, to get some further information about what is actually being done to the Palestine people.
Is this what our tax dollars are going into. Is this the democracy that we're trying to fight for. No.

Hildur Sólveig

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

1920´s anyone...?

Yes... this is what girly was lookin like on Saturday. I will be honest with ya´ll, the night was crazy!!!!! HOLY CRAP it was so much fun. Free booze, dancing, 1920´s and mafia dress... everyone was looking fabulous!
I´m sitting in class.... not paying attention, so i´m gonna try to listen some.



Thursday, March 02, 2006


Yeps, this is what I want to look like on Saturday. For those of you who do not know what happens on Saturday, the Annual Feast of the University of Akureyri is being held. The theme? Mafia. Won´t it be great to see a whole lot of mafioso walking around Sjallinn? I think so, and Hildur the flapper hopping and skipping around the place... can a moment be any greater. Lets just hope everything turns out like it´s supposed to. If not, I´ll look like some crappy ass prostitute who just crawled out of the ocean. mmm, good times :)

SO, Leah and I finally talked via Skype today!!! yippee! She better come visit me!!!

I just bought some shoes today. They only cost 1990 kr. I would say it was a good buy. I´m maybe thinking about staying in Akureyri for the summer. I´m not quite sure how I feel about that. Well, if any of you are unhappy with my decision when I make it, then ya´ll are just going to have to come VISIT ME wherever I am, cuz you know i love ya! haha.

aight, well i´m gonna get going
Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

tell me your opinion...

Isn't it fun when you get an epiphany and you realize that you really don't know as much as you thought you knew about life?
Although it's fun realizing you don't know all that you thought you knew, it kind of sucks because then you start to wonder what else you don't know. I think we should all write down lists of things we think we're sure about, then ask ourselves why we are so sure about those things. Can the things we're so sure about change by any chance? What would make us doubt ourselves? Should we doubt ourselves when we think something is so right?

The topic of discussion tonight was a four letter word we all know, but some have a hard time explaining, love. What love means, how it can mean different things to different individuals and how we percieve love. Is love only the act of one individual giving something up for another individual, for example giving up the playboy life? Do people in their nature continue to look for something better or just something else, even though they have something really great right in front of their nose?

Is love a combination of partnership, friendship, adorition and lust?
"There's a difference between love and lust." - A line spoken of a wise man. Is this true? Should they not go hand in hand?

flood me with your opinions,

the love fool