Monday, December 26, 2005

humdiddilyhum hum hum


all right, maybe i´ll talk more lata!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Well, I'm starting to feel guilty because i'm not writing as often as I have in the past... but along with the lazyness comes a hatrid of computers. I don't know what it is... but I just really despise being on the computer... takes up too much of my valuable time. I guess it has a lot to do also with the fact that the computer that I usually use is in my fathers study.... which is SWAMPED with little allergy causing particles.... and I usually choke in there... cough cough cough... but anyways...
Well, Vala just told me that I can watch the Icelandic Bachelor on the internet... got to go...

the single darling

Sunday, December 11, 2005

and here I am...

It's Sunday. Sunday sunday sunday. I've almost been in the States for a week. Let's recount what I have done so far.
1. Read a book (Synir Duftsins... yes Stína, a real book)
2. Took Týra (the little dog) twice to Colonial Williamsburg for a walk
3. Watched 5 of Einar´s soccer games.
4. Gone to buy coffee at either Aroma´s og Starbucks.
5. Gone once in the hot-tub at my house.

As everyone will be able to derive, I have not done jackshit here. AND that´s the way I like it. I´m not going to work, worry or fuss. I´m just gonna be, and enjoy being.

the chilled one.

Saturday, December 03, 2005



Test is over, 5 girls from my class went and celebrated by renting a hot tub and drank champagne, class dinner of pizza, and then downtown for a little bit, and now I'm home in my very cozy bed... about to watch Simpsons. I would have thought that I would've been crazy drunk and fun tonight... but I'm just quite mellow, ready for A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP. :) Man am I excited. Well, so long you all and good night.
the dreamer...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

fullveldisdagur -> 1.des

Wow... so definitly did not get any posts on that last blog. I thought people would be more interested in the case... guess not :)
So, today and tomorrow.... AND THEN I'M DONE!!! There's no school today so I get to study study study. Today is Fullveldisdagur, Iceland's "independence" day is today. On Dec. 1, 1918, Iceland got rule over matters going on in Iceland from Denmark, but still stayed under the same crown as Denmark. Iceland didn't get total independence until 17. June 1944... but today is a festive day also. I think Icelanders like to celebrate a lot of things during the winter time because it's so dark here, and so people won't get sad... :)
Well, I have to go study... study study study for my test tomorrow... and then DONE!!!
winter celebrater

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

a tint of lawyer shining through...

So Saddam Hussein has been talking shit in court these past days... not happy about the treatment that he has been getting. I don´t believe the shiites in Dujail were happy about getting killed either.
No but on the more serious note, should those who are awaiting trial not be treated as innocent? Innocent until proven guilty? This is a mentality that we sould all like to believe that we follow, but how many of us feel that way towards Saddam Hussein. Should he be treated with the same "respect" or innocence as anyone else awaiting trial? Innocent until proven guilty. According to law, he has not yet been proven guilty, and therefore should be considered innocent. Is the treatment he´s getting now according to this mentality?
Not many people follow the case enough to be able to say what is innocent and what is not. They post a guilty sign on him from the beginning without even really understanding the arguments of both sides. Isn´t that a bit naive?
Saddam Hussein is said to have done a lot of bad things, but I believe that people should have all the information before they form their opinion. Listen and "understand" the argument of the defense. If one does this, one will be able to argue their opinion of the case.
I therefore encourage everyone to pay attention to the Sadam Hussein case, try to follow foreign news rather than US news... this is probably the biggest case of the decade, FOLLOW it, UNDERSTAND it and FORM AN OPINION on it.

Hildur the lawyer

Monday, November 28, 2005

blabidiy blab blab blab...

All right... Nathan leaves the country today... he went to Reykjavík yesterday to go to the Sigur Rós concert! DAMN I WANTED TO GO! But, just wanted to say bon voyage to Nathan and hope he has a great time traveling through Europe!
This is my last week of school!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! I come home the 5. December, so I'll have about a month of va-ca-tion! Man my parents are lucky. Not much has been going on though. On Friday I let Nathan and some of his friends have a party at my place... purty fun purty fun. Then on Saturday I didn't do ANYTHING... and on Sunday I studied and went to the pool, then studied some more. It was -6 degrees c. here yesterday... so that´s pretty cool. HAHA a play with words... cool- as in cold. TAHA! Well, I have to go, but maybe i´ll write some more today. Aight, ciao!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Are women to blame for rape?

I was very disturbed this morning when I was reading an article on the internet site The heading of the article: Women still held to blame for rape. There was a poll of more than 1000 individuals, both men and women, taken to see what they thought about who was to blame for rape. An astounding amout of people thought that if a woman was flirting with a man, she was responsible for the downfall. If a woman was drunk, she was responsible for her downfall. If a woman was wearing sexy and/or revealing clothing, she was responsible for her downfall. This can all be seen on the chart that I have but above.
Now tell me, we are living in a society where women and men are trying to stand side by side as equal beings. If we are doing that, how in the world can a woman who is going out to have a good time be responsible for her rape? She may be wearing sexy clothing, yes, but does that mean that anyone can crawl up on her, do their deed and leave her laying there in disgust? NO. A woman who goes out looking sexy is not wearing a sign on her head saying "PLEASE TAKE AWAY ALL THE DIGNITY THAT I HAVE. RAPE ME." Maybe looking for sex, yes, but not rape.
It's crazy to think that with all that we women have gone through, we cannot stand strong together to fight those who say rape is the woman's fault. When did women become walking sex toys for men? THEY NEVER DID, so why are people trying to say that a woman "asked for it?" That's crazy. I think it's crazy. Those who disagree, let me hear it.

an angry woman

Thursday, November 24, 2005

smá gullmoli

Jæja, um daginn var ég inní mötuneytinu að fá mér kaffi... og mjólkin var búin. Þá sagði ég við konuna sem var að vinna "heyrðu, mjólkurnar eru búnar".
(þannig séð bæði nýmjólkin og léttmjólkin)



Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

a couple of lines...

Björk is 40+ 1 day old today. That is to say, her birthday was yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

So, things in Akureyri are going all right... I was about to explode yesterday though. Frustration was overwhelming me and the drama queen let her light shine... just ask my father. But, I just have to think where i´ll be 2 weeks from now, and then a smile appears on my face. I CANNOT WAIT!
So, European Law is not really going as well as I would like... :( SO, if anyone finds European Law for Dummies at Barnes and Noble, please let me know!!!
My frustration made me swim 2 km. yesterday... maybe there´s something good coming from it...
NATHAN, an exchange student here from Indiana leaves on Monday!!! MAN OH MAN! My Americano is leaving... i´m a lonely "almost" American in Akureyri...
Annser... why are you never on skype?
Leahster... why don´t you get skype?

... and it's pagan poetry...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

and then there was dancing

yeps yeps yeps

Gala-night is over, and alls i gotsa say is that it was LOVELY!!! So much fun! Every single person there looked splendid, the Estonian guys that were playing did a great job, and the food was TO DIE FOR. So good! I can't write anymore because I have a test tomorrow and I still need to read like 200 pgs. Haha! Good luck to me!

Friday, November 18, 2005

tonight's the night

Gala-Night tonight! The Social and Legal Department has organized this evening and it will be a blast! I'll have to take some pictures this evening so you all will be able to see how gorgeous we all are :) Don't have much to say, so that's all i'm going to say... and i'll write soon to tell ya'll how the evening went! (We've been doing a lot of planning so I just hope that it all goes well)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


You're on twelve

I'm on six
As each moment goes by
you take a single step forward.
I await in anxiety
excitement to be with you
The feeling intenses as
you approach with the same speed.
Finally at half past we become one,
a single mark, a radius of a circle.
But with each moment as before
you pass after the same time
as the minute mark before.
You leave me, excitement over.
It took me half a lifetime to
get you for a minute
and a minute
to lose you forever
17. January, 2004


hildur sólveig

Monday, November 14, 2005

oh how life laughs at me...

Life in Akureyri is rediculous!
Because I have fallen on my ass so many times, I walk the streets of Akureyri like a 70 year old woman. I take baby steps, with my hands out like an airplane to balance myself, and hunch forward so that my big ass computer backpack won´t pull me backwards.

All I gotsta say is... come on now...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Life, or something like it...

On Friday I was walking to school in my new Timberland boots, feeling pretty awesome to have Timbs and walking in them in actual weather where they are needed. It had snowed the night before, but there was just a small small amount of it on the icerink that I call the parking lot outside my aparment house. Well, I'm walking, very carefully when I almost reach the snowcovered grass BUT NO... SWOOOOOSHHHHHH Hildur falls on her ass! Not just falls, but flies! And yes, of course the first thing one does is chuckle and make sure noone saw. Too bad there were like 10 cars driving by when I fell, so I jumped up, dusted myself off and made my way to school. Secretly smiling, I listen to my ipod mini, being incredibly CAREFUL to not humiliate myself like I did 2 minutes before. So I'm walking to school, about to walk up the hill to the school... when SWWOOOOOOSSSHHHHH(fuck)HHHHH, BAMMMMMMMM!!! I fall on my damn swollen ass again! Is there a God and if yes, why is he making me humiliate myself like this?!?! haha! This time there were like 20 cars driving by, and we must remember that I fall right by the school so there were definitly some students driving by. ONE car happened to have one of my teachers in it, AND SHE JUST STARED AT ME!!! haha, don't smile and laugh with me... wahhhh! :( But, things started looking up when an old man in a white car stopped and asked me if I wanted a ride up to the University. Very sheepishly I said yes, tried to act all cool in the car because he saw me fly on my ass, and thanked him for driving me 30sec to the school.

I had the confidence of a mouse in an alley of cats that day.
My friends laughed a lot that day.
My ass still hurts today.

black and blue ass

Thursday, November 10, 2005

zum geburtstag viel gluck!!!


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Busy day Gestern!

So, yesterday was quite a busy day. There was a seminar yesterday about self-determination and the right of peoples to it. Speakers from Iceland, Faroe Islands, a very nice looking young man from Greenland, a professor from Ireland were there informing us about self determination, and whether the Faroe Islands should be independent, whether Greenland should be independent, telling us about East Timor´s brutal fight for self-determination and Irelands nightmare history. Is it not a little strange how massacres happen all over the world but people are so slow to find out and react? I think that´s a little interesting.
Did you know that the part of Greenland that is not covered with ice is as big as France? Crazy, eh?
So yesterday the student council of the law department here in the University of Akureyri handed a requisition to the minister of education, as I mentioned below, at Akureyri airport. She took the requisition very well, talked to us a little bit, and then left to go to a meeting with the University Big Guys. It´ll be interesting to see how and what comes out of the meeting... whether a masters program in law will be tought here, and if not, how will we protest! :oO
Aight, Leah... I´ll write you an email soon...
Hildur Sólveig

Monday, November 07, 2005


Einar Karl is 15 years old today!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! AW, look how cute he is! Yeps, that´s my brother... we now know where he gets his good looks, eh? Yes, yes, I know, it´s hard being me, but... :) He´s flying home from Florida today, so I´ll have to call the little birthday boy up LATA!!!!!! (so happy in that picture!!!)

Not much going on today... I go coach later on, may go to a meeting, although I do believe it´s pushed back till tomorrow. I will most likely have more juicy news tomorrow, where as the Secretary of Education/ Minister of Education is coming to Akureyri tomorrow to talk about the future of e.g. the law department here. So, wish us law students luck!!!

Hildur the Protester

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

ANNA, get well soon!!!! :o*
love ya girl!

Is it all SO NECESSARY?!?

For those who know, I am a member of AOL. For those who don't know, AOL mean American Online, similar to hotmail or yahoo. When I logmyself onto my aol page, I am always confronted with news headlines that are so obviously written to get the public's attention... President Bush ready for fatal virus, American under threat, More bombs in Iraq, 15 Soldiers Killed, Moving up from code Orange to code RED... I think you get my flow. Anyways, I know most people have seen farenheit 911, and this is going to sound a little in the same direction, but why all the threats, stress and fear in the news? It's like I can't even log onto aol to read my mail WITHOUT being bombarded with news headlines basically telling me, or scaring me into thinking how I'm going to die. What a pleasant pleasant thought. hmm... don't you agree? Fear has always been used as a persuasive tactic though, which is natural if you want to get the attention of the public, BUT EVERY DAMN NEWS HEADLINE has an aim of scaring it's readers. Now people all over the US are going to be scared and panicked over the bird flu that has not reached them yet. Hey, Mr. Bush, what about all the homeless people living on the streets that that $7.1 billion dollars could go into helping? What about the thousands of HIV positive children that are suffering because there is no money to pay for their medication? What about the environment... the environment that probably has the answer to our illnesses, but we don't hear those answers because we're too busy KILLING it?!?
I do not disagree that a deadly flu would be, well, deadly. It is said to be on the top of things that could hurt us. But, is all the fear, threat, and taunting really necessary? Is it all so necessary?
the environmentalist

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sexy Ballerina

The school´s Halloween Party was on Friday, and it was a blast! The planning, decorating and partying was superb! I was in 1st place in the costume contest... haha wonder why??

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ég þori, get og vil!

Yesterday I was surprisingly pleased to be a witness of "all" the women in Akureyri coming together and protesting for womens rights. Yesterday had 30 years past from when women in Iceland walked out of their workplaces at 14:08 and met together to protest the wage difference between the sexes. The women of Akureyri all met in Sjallinn, which was so full that people had to stand outside and listen to the speaches that were taking place inside. Women came together and listened to their history, a history that has changed some, but not enough. While there is still a difference of how much two individuals who have the same exact education but different wage is going on, we really need to reconsider out outlook on life. Do we as women think of ourselves as being less? Do we feel that it is fair that a man, who does not have the same education as you, will move up faster and in the workplace? This is crooked to me, and should be to all people. Women have been fighting for their rights for many years, and we should not take for granted what they have accomplished... so if you are being discriminated because of your gender, make some noise and sue the bastards :)
the feminist... who calls herself a manist... (equallity of the men)

Monday, October 24, 2005

A little of my "Life´s ThEoRy..."

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

These words, coming from the magical wonders of the screen, should be admired and followed. Why is it that in our day in age, we forget what it is that we are living for? We are always thinking about what we could have done better, how we wish we could go back and change it, what we would have done different. Can you imagine all the time that gets wasted on thoughts that irreversable? Why do we linger on these things?
To live is smile, cry, laugh, love, pick yourself up after plummiting off a cliff of disappointment. Though not always easy, we manage to keep going and look for the next thing to come. Those that do not, those that regret and sulk about what has happened in their lives, are not living at all. We may dream of things from our past, dream of things that would make our lives "easier", but one must not get caught in a dream that stops you from living and enjoying every minute of your life.
Dreams are great, keep us motivated and striving to be more than what we are... but to live...


Friday, October 21, 2005

i´m gonna be purdy 2night

RIGHTYÓ! So the legal department is having a cocktail party "field trip". We´re so proud of ourselves that we have to call it a cocktail party... hmm, funny! haha! kinda goes with the picture below! haha! We´re going to the local lower court here in Akureyri... I´m sure it´ll be fun. I just took a double test today... 80% of my grade man! I am pooped! da da da da da da da da da da damn! mY fIngErS aRE cROssEd!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


If anyone has ever wanted to be a penis, HERE´S YOUR CHANCE! For only $39 you can be a big dick... and I do not mean that in a sarcastic way. Ladies, leave your men at home and have fun with this one!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Richmond is for Lovers

Yes yes yes, i'm still alive here... no worries. I've spent the last two evenings in Richmond. On Thursday I went to meet up with the girls at Gabes house... saw the Richmonders there. Always a pleasure. We went to eat at this Italian place which was pretty good. Leah took bloody forever to decide what she wanted, ended up with rock paper scissors. She also told us how very smart she was and that her vocabulary is very advanced. She even gets a word of the day sent to her BOTH from and some other dictionary... forget. How fun it must be to be an English major. :) Anna also enlightened us how her freezer and fridge situation did totally not work out this week. Drama in the house. All the roomates went shopping at the same time, and there was just mountains and mountains of food in the freezer and you couldn't find anything!!! Lifestyle of the rich and the famous. JUST KIDDING! We all came to the conclusion that we are grocerie snobs and don't like foodlion brands. eh... it happens. :)
Last night I went to Richmond with my brother and his friends. We stayed at Cliff-dawgs! We hung out at his place for a while, went to the basement to jamm a little, until I picked up the guitar and everyone left... hmm? Is it a sign?? After being so rudely left alone in the basement... we went to a VCU party. It was pretty lame... guess i'm not used to the jist of college parties here yet. I thought they were growing on me this summer... but I guess it's different if you don't know anyone ;) possibility? yea. It was kinda funny though cuz Danny and Claire and Hugh were all freestylin and people kept coming up to them trying to take them on, but they were NOTHING compared to them! TAHAH!
So I head home tomorrow... a bit excited to see some people in Akureyri! I already spent today shopping for basically everyone BUT myself. How lame. No, but i do it for the peeps that i luv!
Well, maybe I'll write later, maybe I won't.
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Day # 2 in the USofA

So... our appoinment at the immigration office today was REALLY quick... we went there, filled out a paper, got our fingerprints done and BOOM...done!
I'm about to drive to Richmond to meet up with Leah and Anna... YEAH! Chris is gonna go with me so I won't get lost! No, just kidding, he's going with me cuz i luv him~! ;)
I'm loving it here... maybe i'll just stay! Say aurvoir to Akureyri? What do ya'll think?
Hildur S.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

day # 1 in USA

So, I´m safe and sound in my parents home after a long trip to the USofA! Lovely, absolutely lovely to be back. Today we woke up at 5.30 in the morning to get ready to go to the immigration office, SO EARLY! We were there, till about 10.30 or so. Long day, especially if you have a little brother, who´s not so little anymore, but has the blabbering mouth of a 5 year old... and another brother who laughs at all he says, and me, the sister, who loves to play stupid little games while waiting and LAUGHING her ass off. Yea, our parents decided to sit somewhere else. ;) But... they people were nice there... started say things like... "how you doing girl?" "what a nice picture girl!" and "what numba was ya mamma girl?". haha. fun times.
Then my mum and I went to get something to eat, some lunch, and we chatted and laughed and had a ball...! SO good to be home for a little bit!
My dogs are doing super... always have to say something about them... my babies! Sable has lost weight and Týra is still as cute as ever... in case anyone cares :)
UGH, i´m so pissed! I took pictures of the Sprellmót... BUT most of my pictures are out of focus!!! DAMN! stupid camera stupid camera.... (notice how i blame the camera, not the photographer... clever)

loves yas!
hildur sólveig

Monday, October 10, 2005

6 LeGaLlY sPrElLed SpErM

USA HERE I COME!!! On Tuesday I will be heading to big ol Williamsburg, so my peeps from Willy.... throw some Naty in the fridge and get ready to hang out at Aroma's for hours! MaN oh mAn am I excit-ed!!
Sprellmótið on Friday was a blast! KUMPÁNI got second place... I kicked ass in the beer-bong competition... i thank Leifur for my SkIlLs! Those many summer nights when we would be seeing if little Hildur could actually do more than 5.... hmmm?!?
I´m going to Reykjavík tomorrow.... Stína... here I come! I´ll be staying with "my sistah" Friðdóra, and man are we gonna celebrate my passing Íslensk Réttarsaga. Good times good times.
I just watched Jeepers Creepers 2 tonight. I don´t understand why someone would make a shitty sequal. It wasn´t THAT bad, but it was just terrible how almost the entire movie was set on a school bus, and the entire story took place in one night. hmm? I don´t know, I thought it would be better...
OH WELL.... :)

Thursday, October 06, 2005



Wednesday, October 05, 2005



the one with the guy with the snow suit and ski goggles!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

reply to frk. Herdís

rauðhaus með freknur....???
djö hvað ég er heppin!!!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

And the ex´s finally meet again

So, the warm-up for Sprellmótið was this Friday. A lot of people came: very good! The town was full of university students since both the social science and legal department, and the faculty of health sciences were both doing something to warm up for the Sprellmót. The red head found her long lost friend who has been cooped up in Drekagil with a cold... and gave her some gold fizzing elixer... aka beer. Always a pleasure. So, the ex-roommates finally hung out downtown... after a summer of silence ;)

hildur sól

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

IcElAnDic bOys aCcoRdinG tO 1 RusSiaN

- "And what do you think of the Icelandic boys?"
- "They´re frozen."

This question was directed to an exchange student here at HA on the trip on Saturday. Frozen. Hmm, what... when you kiss them it´s like you stick your tounge on a frosted pole, you get stuck and impossible to get away unless you rip yourself off? Interesting.
Wouldn´t that suck though if you were kissing a guy, need to gasp for some air and... woop... you´re stuck! You can´t get off him. What a conniving trick! So, when someone says you´re cold as ice, that really means that they just can´t get enough of you... The world is so much clearer now!

What single word can a girl say to get a guy to think about sex in a milisecond?
- "Hello."
Not much more needed than that.

What a great world we live in :)


Sunday, September 25, 2005

snow, moss and a little comedy

aight... the trip to the country was fly... christmas snow and all... hljóðklettar was gorgeous! Pictures will come in later... nature+ beer+ hotdogs+ guitar= ONE HELL OF A TIME.
So yea, it's still snowing here... it's been snowing nonstop for what feels like A WEEK! Kræstnes! Very very rómó though...
I still haven´t heard anything about my hot-diggity test... pff, surprise surprise... (probably didn´t pass)
Kate Moss appologized to her family for her whole coke abuse thing... and who said it´s so good to be famous? I would never want to be famous. My little life is all I need. I don´t need people snooping around me trying to get some fake information out of me and publishing all the bullshit I say. What good lives we all live. Some people on the other hand think it´s AWESOME to be famous or know someone of that class. Those are the type of people that would sleep with a star... just because they´re famous. Colin Farrell anyone? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! wicked wicked wicked. ;)

the betrayer

Friday, September 23, 2005

first snow

The ground is now a little white
which means that I just might
drive out to the country tomorrow and look at the sight
the beauty of the earth my soul will delight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


5 Facts about me...

1. After I finish law school I want to be a pilot, an artist, a mum, a musician and live in Africa.
2. I believe the lyrics in the Beatles tell us all there is to know about life.
3. I get pissed off when people drive by me when I'm walking to the same destination as them in the snow.
4. I'm not embarrassed by how little I can play the guitar, actually... I think it's a damn good amount.
5. I secretly watch Bold and the Beautiful even if it is "RUGLAÐ"... alone...

I further KlUkKa...
Grétu í Kumpána, Möggu Stínu Laganema, Jón Smári capitalisti, Sólveig Fríðu
og hann Einar Karl
Ef ég klukka ykkur, þá þurfið þið að lista 5 "staðreyndir" um sjálfa ykkur... og senda svo á 5 í viðbót... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
the bastard

Sunday, September 18, 2005

--- musical weekend ---

I love postcards! Leah has already sent me 2 postcards! All from the beautiful island of Jamestown, Virginia. People don't take the time anymore and send postcards... so when you finally get one, it's like the first time you ever got an email! Wonderful.
Anyways, I saw Bubbi on Thursday. WONDERFUL! He is such a great musician. I wish more people were musicians. It's like people can communicate so much better through songs, whether it's through the text, the force of the song, or the melody, people can express such different emotions. Writing songs and poems for example often seems to be a kind of therapy for people. Bubbi has definitely used his music to get away from his crazy life. I went with Sólveig, she teared up a couple of times ;) It was beautiful.
Stuðmenn were playing on Friday. That was a free-be because domus I think it was, opened their offices that day here in Akureyri. It was a blast... a lot of uni-people there. I mean, come on, IT WAS FREE! Good times.

I have to study now, a busy weekend equals HEAVY studying.

-the music analyst

Friday, September 16, 2005

This was the aftermath of CHRIS GOODE and co.

Yes, as we can see... the "hryggur" that my father brought from the Klake... did not get the correct treatment that it should have gotten. BBQ sauce all over the place. Yummy :os

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Comparative Constitutional Law

All right... so class with the Faroe Islands guy has started. Who knows where the Faroe Islands are?

Sunday, September 11, 2005


DA DA DA DA DA... DOOMSDAY TOMORROW!!!! Man oh man am I nervous! The test that I have been dreading all summer is finally going to take place tomorrow, Monday the 12. of September at 13:00 Icelandic time. EEKS! Wish me luck.
and P.S. if it doesn't work out... then I'm going to become a nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land, making all my nowhere plans for nobody.

Monday, September 05, 2005

and the nEiGhBouR gets angry

Why is it that the United States, the country that holds the worlds millionairs, NO billionairs, was unable to help a massive area from devistation when in need? I talked to my mum today and she was telling me how this one man from California filled up his airplane with water and supplies, and took it to New Orleans, taking some families with children back with him to CA. Where are the rest of those types of people. I know he´s not the only one who has a private jet in the US of A. I know it´s maybe wrong of me to put the pressure on American´s, but it is the duty of those who have more (this is at least my opinion) to give more. Especially in a time of need... people need help there and the weight is only shifted onto the military? Whatever happened to brotherly love, oh stupid me... we´re not talking of Philadelphia.
No but seriously, do people care about their neighbours like they tell ya in Bible Class?

Now that is the question of the century, where the fuck was that red neck?


angry neighbour

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Jæja, ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða Blogsíðu Þemis- Félags Laganema við HA, þá er síðan
Ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða blogsíðu Kumpána, Félag Félagsvísinda og Laganema við HA, þá er sú síða
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A response to Leah´s comment ;)

HEHE, yea they call that a millipede... i do believe so yes. Here in Iceland we do not have that problem because it´s so fucking cold here ALREADY!! Yes, believe it or not, but the mountains already have snow on them and it´s chilly chilly chilly. Not good stuff. But hey, no damn bugs, that´s for sure... except for Fred, he´s my pet fly that I keep stuffed on my windowsill. Well, actually it´s not stuffed, just dead. But, he keeps me company when I´m studying, doesn´t make any noise except when I blow at him and the wind coming out of my mouth makes his wings rustle a little bit. Then when I get lonely, I pretend he´s Leah or Anna, and I talk talk talk talk talk. Yeps, no more calls to the US of A... just little talks with my pet fly. Gotta love it.
The Fly Whisperer

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

How to look at pictures

In order to look at the pictures that are on my picture page, you have to click the picture link. After you do that, a thing will pop up saying that you need a password. That password is hildur hildur
Don´t forget the space inbetween my name! Leah, I already said this on a previous post! There are some pictures there from this summer, and some pictures also from the past week up HER in Akureyri. I changed my hair and it is GORGEOUS! haha just kidding, but it looks pretty cute. Aight bitches, start commenting.


Hildur Sólveig

Monday, August 29, 2005

France... the home of wine

So in France, local farmers are standing on the side of the road handing out red wine in a little baggie with a pamphlet to those who drive by... and I ask myself... WHY OH WHY DON'T I LIVE IN FRANCE?!?! What a wonderful land they live in. Scenario, driving home from work, had a crummy day, can't wait to see your special someone (or your pet, if you are single), and BAM a local farmer from a vineyard on the other side of town gives you a bottle of red wine! Red red wine.... gets to my he-ea-ead. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
The reason these local farmers were giving away wine was because the French are buying more foreign wine, and less French wine. So, how do they promote their wine??? THEY GIVE IT AWAY ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD TO THE PEOPLE DRIVING BY. Genius.
Orientation week went well here at the University of Akureyri. We grilled on Monday, had department night and sing star on Tuesday, Movie night (Dukes of Hazard) on Wednesday, relaxation on Thursday, and on Friday we went out to Kjarnarskó and ran around and grilled, then went to Sjallin where Drekktu Betur, a question competition which includes a little bit of drinking, don't let the name fool you, took place. All in all it all turned out perfect :)
All right, well I have to get to studying, ciao!
Mademoiselle Hildur

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Chicken Soup for the Chris

So, today i spent the entire day basically packing. I'm starting to get a little excited about going home. I took a little break in my day, drove my mum to work and took Chris some Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, since he just got his tonsels taken out... aww! Poor kid. Then the Leah-ster is getting 1, yes 1, singular, wisdom tooth out, and she's flipping shit. Poor Gal!!!
AHHHHH i'm getting nervous about going back to the klake! Geeze Luise!
Hildur Sólveig

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Turning Chinese, I think I´m turning Chinese...

All right, BACK FROM NYC! Oh my God, what a place to be. I seriously can see myself living there. Not just anywhere though, but in China Town. I don´t think we saw more than 5 white people when we were there... it was like being in a completely different country but still in the same country! Totally awesome. But we went to Times Square, 5th Avenue, Rockefeller Center, China Town and walked around and watched people ;) hehe my favourite thing to do! It´s so funny to be there though, because your such a tourist and don´t know anything... don´t know where you´re going, unnecessarily run through massive rain drops cuz your father was yelling "TRAIN" when, for the twentieth time, it clearly wasn´t your train ;) HEHE I tell ya´ll, some funny ass shit happened on that trip. We got lost in the wooden paths of Central Park (not everyone can say that), we went to a Irish Pub where the occupancy was a total of 5 when we got there (it´s all right cuz we just threw some money into the jukebox and had one hell of a time), and we managed to spend AN INSANE amount of money on food, which my dad so greatly and fabulously picked out!!!! ;) Man oh man, it was lovely. London and China Town are the next living stops for Hildur.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

And it´s a good day...

All right, day is off to a great start, it's 8:48 in the morning and I've already worked out, am sipping my latte and in one hell of a good mood. Anna and I are gonna eat lunch, I may visit Leah at work, and I have a whole day of studying to look forward to.
Hmm... I was going to write about something so interesting and intelligent, but clearly nothing is coming to mind. I could nag a little bit more, but I sincerely don't feel like it, so i'm going to stop. Maybe I'll write some more later today, maybe not. We'll see. All right, ciao!
Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Last ALEX-day!!! :(

Alex leaves tomorrow!!! AHHHH what am i gonna do without my merndawg... damn. So, I think i´m gonna go with my mum to Norfolk for a little bit today, then i have to hang out with "look who it is!!!". So last night mum gave me a massage... hell yea! I think she stretched me out to make me at least 5 cm. taller. Most definatly. Starbuck´s was also a place to hang out last night, with my chia and Anna, Leah and Henry to talk to, what could be better? EXCEPT THE FACT THAT WE LISTENED TO A LITTLE MICHAEL BOLTON WHILE WE WERE SITTING THERE.... I NIGHT TO LOVE!!! ;) Yea, I don´t think the other cool cats were liking it as much as me. Then we went to a friends house to hang out, a house full of junk... but still "organized" junk, so we weren´t allowed to play with the many straw hats and giant scissors. Some peeps managed to do it anyways :) (Anna and Alex). Crazyness.
***** Before I forget, LEAH IS A BOWLING PRODIGY****** "Listen guys, i´m not really a bowling prodigy. I´m not that good. It was hallarious. HAHA! (good one for us Anna)
Aight, gotta go get ready...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

da da da da 10 DAYS :oS

Hmm... you know what sucks? WHEN TWO OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS DECIDE TO MOVE AWAY! Yea Stína and Vala, I´m talkin bout you! Hrrrmmm... not a happy camper these days about that. :(
Willy life: I am done now with work. My last day at 'The Kingsmill Spa' was on Saturday, and officially my last day with the swim team was on Sunday (there was a banquate). So these days I´m just studying and trying to get everything done before I have to go back to the land of Ice. This weekend my mum and I are going to go to NYC! That´ll most definately be a blast!
Well, my time here is cutting short... only 10 days till I go back....!!!! Jesus, that´s such a short time!
All right, I´m gonna get to doing things once again!
Hildur Sólveig

Saturday, August 06, 2005

So, is the newest thing. You sign up and find people that are your friends. It's kind of like that "friend book", damn i forget what it's called, that the colleges have. Quite interesting.
Darren, the maker of "DARREN KITCHEN" just launched his computer television show tonight, the thing was a complete hit! I think maybe about 70,000 + viewers... that's pretty damn good for a debute show. I'm going to Norfolk tomorrow for a housewarming, but not housewarming party. Gonna get crunked! Oh no, the elephants have started flying again... gotta get some shut eye... adios!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I am spartacus

boy oh boy oh boy... this summer just keeps on going... it's already the middle of July!!! Holy moly! Last night my peeps and I went to this kids Darren's house, where we played a game for like 3 hours. It's a pretty cool game, it's called "six", you can check it out on his homepage...
Then we started rhyming some shit... pretty entertaining, didn't come home til 5. Maddness.
The life in the spa is literally trying to kill me. I swear, those towels are starting to talk to me, complaining that they aren't folded good enough, the shower caps just don't want to go into the damn lockers, and the slippers are trying to bite me. Never a good sign, eh? Coaching is always fun though, that's what keeps me going. I had a life moving realization yesterday though... here it comes... da da da... WORK IS SO MUCH BETTER IF YOU'RE NOT TIRED.!!! The genious said it, yes she did! :) Today is hot as shit. I took the dogs out and i literally almost fell into a puddle of my own sweat that was forming in front of me. NASTY. ;) hehe. Aight my klakes, you know i LUV YA... my noregs... you know i LUV YA... Willy peeps, I'll see ya in the Chocolate Factory.
"help me, i'm in my own puddle"

Friday, July 01, 2005

Theme Party and I´m Miss Yeller!

Takk fyrir pakkann Vala! I just got a birthday present today from my friend Vala.... muah! kiss kiss kiss! So, Williamsburg is still good... I coach every weekday morning, and then i usually work at the spa from 3-10 during the night... unless there is a swim meet. Um, it's all right... I guess I can just say that it's a job. The other night I had the "coaches" over for a grill evening, and then some of my friends came over, and the pictures from that are fuckin hallarious! I'll put them sometime on the internet if I get permission from Chelsea, who is in a lot of them. Chelsea is a girl I work with, goes to William and Mary... crazy girl!!! :) It's her birthday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA! She's having party tonight, a theme party where the theme is colors. Everyone is to be a color.... I'm gonna be yeller, Ashley red... we even bought little kids patio chairs to take along with us... INSANE. It'll be a crazy time. Will indeed take some pictures.
I have to go get ready for the spa... damn i love folding towels! ciao peeps!~
Hildur Sólveig

Friday, June 17, 2005


Jæja, ég vil bara þakka öllum fyrir afmæliskveðjuna þeirra.... takk takk takk takk takk!!! 20 ára afmælið er náturlega 'stór-afmæli' á íslandi, og ég er svaka ömó að vera í the USA, en... það verður bara teiti þegar ég kem áftur til landsins... fólk verður bara að koma að heimsækja mig á Akureyri! :) Annars er þetta bara búið að vera alveg æðislegt að vera hérna í Williamsburg Virginia, nema það að ég er eins rauð og humar því ég brann svo um daginn... vonandi verð ég sammt bara brún... yea right! ;) Síðasti dagur hanns Einar Karls í skólanum er í dag... voða spenntur. Hann fer ekki á klakann fyrr en í júlí held ég... karlinn er svoldið svektur, honum hlakkar náturlega svo ótrúlega mikið til að fara vinna í fiski á Suðureyri! (mmhmm). Ég fékk námslánið um daginn... I´M RICH!!! $$$$$$$$ Ég er ekki en búin að eyða neinu, en það fer að koma að því... maður er alltaf að taka bensín... djö!
17. Júní er í dag... TIL HAMINGJU ÍSLAND
jæja, ég bið að heilsa öllum... svaka djamm á klakkanum í kveld... GÓÐA SKEMMTUN!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

BiRthDaY sUitS aNd TowEls

So, i've started my second job, today will be my third day... i am a spa attendant at the Kingsmill Spa. I fold a lot of towels, show some wealthy people the lockerrooms and kiss ass :) I love it! Coaching is going well, everything is coming along. Mum flew to Austria yesterday... i hope she has ONE HELL OF A TIME THERE!!! So exciting.
So, last night a couple of us went over to our friend Harrison's house. We sat there, reminisced about middle school... fun for those of us who went to Berkeley... anywho... We decided that we were all going to go swimming, most everybody had trunks on, or some sort of undergarnment that could be used as a suit. I had just come from work, did not have a suit or appropriet undergarnment, and therefore sat on the pooldeck... until Justin and Harrison said they would dive in naked and swim 1 lap if I got in... so... i did a backflip into the pool, in my work clothes, and they then dove into the pool in their birthday suits... quite funny. So, that was the highlight of my day yesterday... since I worked from 3 till 10. I was exhausted afterwards.
The weather here is lovely, too hot though.... wish i was at the beach, maybe this week.
Righty-o i'm gonna go lay out,
the freckled beast.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Many many birthdays have past

STÍNAS BIRTHDAY WAS THE 27TH OF MAY!!! I tried to call the homegirl, but i got no answer... must have been out celebrating at the many graduation parties that were going on on her birthday! TIL HAMINGJU MEÐ belated- AFMÆLIÐ!!! p.s. I am not getting plastic surgery Stína, so you can be at ease.... for i know you would most definatly tell me if I looked like crap.
JUNE 5TH, that is yesterday, WAS THE TWINS' BIRTHDAY!!! Silje and Kristin also did turn 20, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I still haven´t set up my computer, so I was not able to skype you guys!!! Same goes to you Stína.
VALA HAS GRADUATED!!!! HOORAH! Til hamingju elskan og vonandi er alveg æði í útskriftarferðini!
So, some stuff has happened since I last blogged. I am coaching a summer swim team here in Williamsburg, surprise surprise. I am also going to be a Spa Attendant at the Kingsmill Spa where my mom works. That´ll be fun, working in a spa! woohoo! So, the bum, as Kristin and I like to call ourselves at times, is a bum no more!! SCORE!
So um, I am going to have to write more on this blog, controversial subjects just keep coming up, i just don´t write them down! I have to get on that. All right darlings, gotta go eat some fish cheeks.... mmm :s

Thursday, May 26, 2005

CuRrEnT StAtus

1. Do not have a job.
2. Hang around all day.
3. My dogs are my shadow.
4. Drink coffee at Aroma´s.
5. Drink coffee at Aroma´s.
6. Drink coffee at Aroma´s.
7. Drink coffee at Aroma´s.
8. Drink coffeeeeeee at Aroma´s with my peeps!!!
9. Still don´t have a job.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Story of One Fish

All right... so back in the USA, have been for about two weeks, and no blog. Sorry about that... won't happen again. So, my current status is as follows, jobless, i'm a red head now, LOVE being at home, all coffeed up from Aroma's coffee and just hanging with my Williamsburg crew. For those who saw me in Iceland when I had just got my hair done, it has faded a lot. It's not as bright red as it was before (still red though, and lookin good)! My job hunt isn't going too well, the job people need to START CALLING ME! ugh!
So, last Friday I went to Richmond with a couple of kids, and I just have to tell this HALLARIOUS story. These two guys were arguing about some shit and they got to fighting. The fighting kept going on, until one of the guys realized that the other had brought his Chinese Fighting Fish into the house. So, this guy (who did not own the fish) takes the jar that the fish was in, runs down the street with it, AND EATS THE DAMN FISH! HE SWALLOWS IT WHOLE! THE DUDE'S FISH THAT HAD BEEN IN THE FAMILY FOR 6 MONTHS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Damn, it is hallarious! The EX-owner of the fish wasn't too happy though, it was a part of his family member you know... i mean come on. :) (Ég er að segja ykkur það, hann var alveg brjálaður og bað gaurinn að kaupa annan gullfisk handa honum. Hann var alveg brjálaður! ótrúlega ótrúlega ótrúlega fyndið!!!)
All right, i'm going to go try to find a job... i tell ya, it's gonna be Hooters... haha!
non-fish eater
aka Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

ThE dAy HaS cOmE!!!

I´m going home today... yippee! This day is finally here, unbelievable... so the next time you will read a post from me, I´ll be in the USssssssssss,,,,, no, not the USSR, the USA! It has been great being in RVK though, Stína, Kris, Kólbeinn and I played taboo and bolderdash last night, UnBeLIevaBLy fun! Who would have thought that with all this technology, board games would be on the top of the list of FUN things to do.
Well, I have to go jet, I´m gonna try to meet up with Stína before I leave... AWWW! tár tár tár.
Miss USA

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Tuesday loves me...

Tuesday. What happens on Tuesdays...? Garfield didn´t like Mondays, 'just another manic Monday',
'Wednesday´s Child' that Emiliana Torrini sings so well
Desperate Houswifes are on Thursdays (who can forget that)
Freaky Friday, Thank God it´s Friday, TGIF, Friday football
One Saturday Morning, Date Night
Sunday- Church day!
Tuesday is the only day in the week left to make up the day for itself. It´s not given a serious name, it doesn´t have any pressure... it just does what it wants. That´s the beauty of it! SPLENDID!
So, the play that I saw on Thursday was about Nietsche. It was really interesting and made one think a lot. On Friday I got my hair done... I cannot tell you guys how it looks yet, not until I show my mom!!! She´ll flip! Then I went and had PIZZA at fabulous-e Stína´s house, always lovely. Later I met Krazy-K at Prikið, hung out for a lil. Yesterday Stína and I hung out for-almost-ever! It was grand! Then I met up with Vala, we went to París ;) and then trollied over the street to Brennslan! So Fun FUN FUN! Today I´m kinda hanging out... want to go do something... Friðdóra is HELLO GREAT!!!!
I swear, I am so greatful for her... really makes me feel at home... (watch me actually be a pain in the ass ;op) just kidding... MUAH!
Well, I am gonna hop in the shower and see where the city leads me... I GO "HOME" TOMORROW!!!! FINALLY!!!
za pain in ones arse

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The City Slickers of Reykjavík

Ó borg mín borg...
Reykjavík is the place to be at the moment! I got here around four... that´s when the plane flew in. The trip went well, the kid sitting next to me and I were playing hangman and making time fly! LITERALLY! But, since it´s only an hour flight, time didn´t matter too much. Olly, a friend of mine, was on the same flight. Talk talk talk about the exam and essay... we will never escape the sphere of the university.
Olly and I are going to go to the theater tonight, i´m not quite sure what we are about to see, but it has something to do with philosophy and Hitler´s inspiration. I hope it will be fun, if not... then at least it´s in all of good company. :) Magga Stína is also in RVK, i´m gonna have to meet up with her lata on too.
It was wierd leaving the appartment, since it looked different because of the things moved out and in... the feeling was wierd.
The city and I have a date tonight, so I will keep ya´ll posted how it goes ;)
bis dann...
Hildur the City Slicker

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

i Am ThE nExT eInStEiN

My life is fullfilled... I have nothing further to look forward to... i can die a happy gal. I MANAGED TO COMPLETE MINESWEEPER EXPERIENCED!!! I do believe that I am a genious! G-E-N-I-O-U-S! My life seems so plain now... now that I am a genious.
So, Anna and Leah are great... they understand how the commenting works on my blog page... now the silly Icelanders just have to get off their lazy asses and COMMENT on my page... rather yet, READ IT! just kidding, my klakes know I love them! So, I go to Reykjavík tomorrow... and then on Friday I´m going to get my hair done... hope I won´t be disappointed. DAMN am I glad to be done with school. HOORAH! One still living on the moment. Leifur´s 30th birthday is this weekend... BUMMER I CAN´T GO! He knows I love him! :)
I´m gonna go chill for a little bit at Cafe Karólína... Since I have conquered the world!!! :)

Monday, May 02, 2005

Summer Vacation!!!

So, now all there's left to do is drink coffee...

Yes, that's what I have been doing to relax, ride my bike to Cafe Karólína and just sit and drink coffee. Always a good way to relax. On Friday the legal department went out into the country and hung out there. It was quite splendid, games included running around with a chicken and egg, chickens shiting all over the place and eggs kept between breasts. Genious! Then we played guitar and sang, some louder than others, but all in all a perfect evening. People smelled bad (after having been in the barn- fjósinu), were crazy drunk and loud. I don´t believe it could have gotten any better... the future lawyers of Iceland. :) Taha!

My excitement to go home keeps increasing and increasing... i´m about to burst!!! No longer am I a spinning top, now i´m just relaxed and feeling good. I just want to wish my classmates a GREAT SUMMER and hope they all enjoy not being in school! Ég veit náturlega að þið geri það :)

Anna and Leah, I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET UP WITH YA´LL!!!! woohoo!

I´m gonna stop now, toodles!


Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, April 28, 2005


THIS IS THE LAST LECTURE!!! yes! So, all that is left is a test tomorrow and an essay that I have to finish before the 9th! NO SWEAT! The legal department dressed up today to CeLebRatE!!!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I´m A sPinnInG tOp

Tell me... if my mind is spinning, if my ideas are spinning, if information in my mind is spinning, if names and dates in my mind are spinning, if important thoughts in my mind are spinning, if I feel like the world is spinning... am I then a spinster?

If one can not figure out... then my world is spinning like crazy at the moment. I am forgetting important thoughts and sometimes because i'm crazy busy, i seem like a bitch. Entschuldigung!

Whoever pulled my string....



Monday, April 25, 2005

Pheww.... This is a great day! The sun is shining, once again, the weather is great, once again and I don´t have that test hanging over my shoulder anymore! Man, Friday was quite a day, I had the test that i had been stressing about for months. Wouldn´t you know, we got the same bloody test! Haha... isn´t that strange. I tell you, we got the test in our hands and we were like 'you have got to be kidding me!' ... not something that we expected in University. Then that evening one girl in my class had a class party. There I saw the side of my fellow classmates that I had not seen before :) usually a pleasure though!!! :)
Then that Saturday I went with the kids in the swim team to a swim camp in Dalvík. It was lots of fun and the kids were so happy being there. I was there from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon. Kids are hallarious.

Now I only have one week of school left. I do not even know how to explain this feeling in my stomach... EXCITEMENT i guess. I cannot wait to go home and see the fam!

I cannot wait to go to the pool later on today! The sun is gorgeous!!!
Hildur the Sun Creature

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Gleðilegt Sumar!!!

HAPPY SUMMER! Oh the weather is great today, not as sunny as yesterday, but still great. It is 10° c outside, and i walked to school only in a sweater. All right, i was wearing pants too, but hopefully ya´ll know what I mean :) So, the big test tomorrow... I´m feeling nauseous!

The Legal Department is inviting Kumpáni (the social and legal department) to go to the beer factory, Víking, tomorrow! After that there is a class party for us cool cats. On Saturday I may be going to supervise some kids in our swim club at swim camp. That could be fun. It´s in Dalvík and what the hey, it could be good to get away... especially if the weather is going to stay like this!
Well, I am gonna keep studying...
the cOoL CaT

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

No longer is there a

Guestbook. I decided that i am no longer going to have a guestbook, and I am just going to hold on to my decision. It is though fun reading the comments for the posts, so if you have an opinion, THEN COMMENT!
This week has been fairly insane, especially yesterday. I went to class, went to spinning, went to study, went to a Torg, went to a FSHA meeting, studied once again, went to a coach meeting and went back once once again to school to study. When I finally got home I passed out on the couch. Crazy stress this week... I have to take a re-test on Friday which I am crazy stressed for, cross your fingers for me :)

First day of summer tomorrow. Icelanders celebrate summer and make it a holiday, CUTE.

Hope eVeRyOnE has a SPLENDID day!
Hildur Sólveig

Friday, April 15, 2005

Trouble with cars? GET A BIKE!

Tinna and Adda arrived yesterday. Man, what a trip they had getting here! They were driving along the mud roads, and then da da, Tinna see´s a glacier in the ocean. The photography prodigy in her felt the bursting need to go take a picture, so Adda stops the car in the middle of a hill. Mistake number one. Tinna takes a picture, names the glacier, they get back in the car and try to drive off... without luck. The car starts fizzing, smoke coming up from the engine and they, except for Adda, jump out of the car for the fear of it blowing up. Luckily, there was a car behind them with a bottle of water, they pour it in the water thing, and are able to drive off. In the frantic moment, one of the girls with them drops her wallet on the dirt road and they drive off. They have to make pit stops at random farms and ask old farmers for some water in their 4 water bottles. Finally they make it to Akureyri, after having calling police all around the country, in desperation of finding the girls wallet.... now tell me, who said girls can´t drive, travel, and hold on to valuable possessions? :)

The long road brought them here though, and a fun weekend is expected :)


the one who thinks bikes are much more conventional

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Íslenska öskra þau!

Æ... ég er ekki viss.... þoli þið það.... geti þið virkilega.... nei.... æj..... hmm.... kannski? Við skulum bara segja að þið getið það.
Svona þarf ég mikla sannfæringu til að skrifa á íslensku. God help me. En, ef þetta er eithvað brenglað, þá er það Hauki að kenna. Hann er svo latur og nennir ekki að lesa á ensku, synd... gæti hjálpað honum í skólanum ;) Tja, ég sit hérna nú í matsalnum í þessum æðislega skóla mínum, drekk kaffi, hlusta á Jay-Z (respect) og er að fylgjast með karli að setja svona plast á 'fiskabúrið' svo að ekki er hægt að horfa inn. Það er sammt alveg ágætt, ég meina, skiljanlegt... þetta er fundarherbergi. Vá hvað það er mikið að gera hjá mér. Morgundagurinn er síðasti dagurinn til að skila inn Sæluhelgarlag til Mannsavinina. Ekki tók ég þátt.
Ég held að mér er farið að leiðast svoldið hérna á Akureyri, en vonandi breytir sumarinu því. Ég hlakka svo til í að fara heim!
Skál fyrir kaffinu!
Hildur Sólveig

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The stork who brings a live surprise

Cha-cha-cha-cha-changes... turn and face the strange, CHA-CHA-CHANGES!

I like this new look. I like it a lot. Sometimes things need to change, it goes with the seasons. Today is a b-e-a-utiful day. Sun is shining, um... and that's it. But, it's better than it being cloudy without any sun. I am in school at the moment, learning about the United Kingdom laws... splendid. We just took a coffee break, and something interesting came up in the conversation that my peers and I just had. (By the way, in the UK, a peer is the name of a member of the house of lords) The topic of the conversation's topic: being pregnant without knowing it. How strange would that be if all of a sudden you started having contractions without knowing you were pregnant?? This really does happen from time to time. I mean, if you are taking the pill, then you can still have your monthly outings to the pharmacy to buy some ALWAYS... and some people really do not drastically change in outlook. What a pleasant surprise it must be to all of a sudden just pop out a kid and all of a sudden become a mum, without any preparation. Does one agree...??? hmm, no not really. The act of being pregnant must be an experience for itself, and I would not like to miss out of it, and all of a sudden pop out a kid. I mean, come on, pregnant women get spoiled by those around them!!! ;) (hmmm... how many agree with that?) hehe, this is all on the light note...


one who will not get a surprise visit from the stork!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Little angel in my ear

Jeez, I'm starting to believe that is a load of bollucks. Every time i try to post a picture on the blog itself, it doesn't work. I just spent approximately an hour trying to get a "visitor counter" to work, without success. It sucks when you work so long trying to do something, and then it just doesn't work. It's like one of those DEADLY long math problems, like trig or statistics, that takes forever long... and when you think you've finally gotten the answer, you get slapped in the face by a 7 and get scared because seven ate nine. Funny how life is.

So yesterday there was the annual meeting of Kumpáni, the Social and Legal department here in the University of Akureyri. I am going to be the representative of the Legal department in the new council. It should be tons of fun, I do not believe anything else. Fun events will hopefully be planned while we are in 'office'.

I finally got Doro´s msn address... So I am talking to her a lot more now. Splendid!


Tinna and Adda are coming to Akureyri for the singing competition between the junior colleges. Tinna will stay at my place the entire weekend, Adda will only stay one day. Should be a lot of fun! A little angel is always whispering in my ear though, telling me to study study study for the re-take of the Líndal test. Lovely.

I´m gonna go bounce, but in the meantime... keep your feet on the ground :)



Hildur Sólveig*

Monday, April 11, 2005

Headlines Headlines

Let us see, news news news... what was in the news last night? Oh I've got one, Sharon is visiting Bush at his ranch in Texas. Great, just what another leader needs to know about the American people: talk with a crazy texan accent, wear gi-normous cowboys hats and hang around all day, from the break of dawn til the sunsets, in our ranch. Yes, not every leader gets to go to Bush's ranch, that's where they go to get a little down to nature, and God knows that's exactly where Sharon needs to go to realize that he's making a huge mistake. But, for some reason I do not believe that will be accomplished in Sharon's trip, for he is going to a ranch that is run on wealth from the oil companies. Can one relax when surrounded by corruption? -sure, i guess if corruption like, for example building walls that seperate and enclose Palestinians from Israelis, makes you comfortable. I think Sharon will have a blast there, discussing with the world's most dangerous world leader, Bush.

Speaking of world leaders, the president of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, is speaking today at the University. Perhaps my feet will lead me to him? Perhaps not.

Last headline: I cannot wait to go home!!!


HiLdUr SóLveIg

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

No Cars??

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if there were no cars. What kind of an invention would have taken the place of the 4 wheeled vehicle that we use oh so much? Would we have made more technological things to fit a horse or maybe some crazy convenient boat that gets from point A to B like the snap of your finger? HOOVER CARS! Most definatly. Maybe not in the form of a car, since the form does not serve the same purpose. When driving from Ísafjörður, me and this guy were talking about how cool it would be if you could just hoover over the billion fjords that you have to drive when traveling the West Fjords. Instead of Land Rover, you got the Land Hoover. As they say in the beer commercial... BRILLIANT!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Yea Yea Yea Yea YeaYea Yea

Lalalalalala lalalalalala soul captives are free!!!
So on Saturday I went to Sjallinn here in Akureyri and saw another rock concert. The main event... Nine Elevens were playing. They are a group that has their origin from Ísafjörður, crazy ass mother fuckers that wear leather pants and are bare chested... much like the vikings were in the olden days ;) There was a lot of yelling, headbanging and guitars on fire. I have to admit that that was pretty damn cool. Valdi´s facial expressions when he´s up on the stage belong on the big screen, i´m telling you, Jack Nicholson nr. 2!! hehe.
After that, Herdís and I went to Kaffi Akureyri, and it was fairly fun! Some were preoccupied talking to certain someones... and some were stuck on the dance floor. Hmm... who could those people be?
So, the Pope has passed away, I really have to read up on him... don´t nearly know enough about his good acts.
Michael Jackson is still on trial... wish we would learn about that in school. Instead, we are writing an essay on the International Court of Justice, which is amusing and fun, but come on... some court in Haag... or Michael Jackson....?!?!?
Coffee still tastes damn good.
Bob Marley is still an idol.
Bob Marley will always be an idol.
Bob Marley was the pope of Reggae.
Reggae is not rock.
This is crazy.
Over and out.
Akureyrar Sól

Friday, April 01, 2005

They're here!

PICTURES FROM EASTER ARE HERE!!! Pictures from aldrei fór ég suður are under Paskar 2005. Enjoy!!!!
Pictures from this Easter and Aldrei Fór Ég Suður are on the picture page!
Go check them out and see how b-e-a-utiful the people are in the Westfjords of Iceland!!!
The pictures from 'Aldrei Fór Ég Suður' are a sub-album of the Easter/paskar pictures.
hildur s.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

the password is hildur hildur


To view the pictures on the photopage, you have to put in the password hildur hildur. Enjoy

komin norður

Back am I to Akureyri. JOY! Oh, Suðureyri was great! It´s unbelievable how much fun one can have in a hmm... 350 people town. Great fun. Aldrei fór ég suður was splendid... I think i´m in love with the singer in Hjálmar... his name is probably Hjálmar. Reggae guy who I think is gorgeous! I took some pictures while I was there, I´ll have to put them on the net soon. I also am going to put my new photopage on this blog in a little bit. I will not put a lot of older pictures on it, but we´ll see. As i am sitting in class, all i can think about is ONLY A MONTH LEFT TILL I´M DONE IN SCHOOL!!! woohoo!!! I can´t wait to go back to the USA.
Bobby Fischer is an Icelandic citizen now... haha, that´s great.
I don´t have much to say at the moment. Ciao.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Aldrei fór ég Suður

Oh how life is good here in Suðureyri. Gram and gramps are slendid, the friends are great and the pool is fantastic. Tonight is 'Aldrei fór ég suður', a rock concert with many many bands. It´s in Ísafjörður and it´s gonna be KRAZY FUN! I´m going to a dinner party first though, but then Ísafjörður is on the artinerary. I went to a birthday party last night, and i felt like i was in a hen house... yap yap yap yap yap... thankfully my friend tinna was there to even out the insanity. Afterwards me and Tinna walked around Suðureyri for a while, instead of going to a concert (ball). We have a life.
So the little bro has a blog page... how funny! He´s such a cutie. Pictures from this spring break will come on the page sometime soon... i got another photopage that i will need to put on the net soon. aight, ciao!!!
'Aldrei var ég Hildur'

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The bloody dentist

As I was writing a letter to my lovely friend Doro in Germany, I had a slip back to my last dentists visit... this is what I wrote her:
'I tell ya, them dentists can take a really long time, and they don´t make the wait pleasurable at all.... you go into their office, smell the nasty plastic and toothpaste smell in their office, have a seat, scrounge throught he many magazines until you finally find one that is somewhat appealing, 'Home Gardening', sit there actually noticing that your nails are growing because your waiting so long. When you finally get into the office, you sit with your mouth open for hours, try to answer the questions that they ask you while they are cleaning your teeth, with no success at all, for if you answer their questions, you either swallow the nasty ass shit they put into your mouth, or just end up mummling some words that do not make any sense, spitting a little on the dentists goggles. Not wanting to be rude, you try to answer, resulting in spitting and swallowing. Finally when you walk out of there your jaw is killing you, you look like your dog (tounge out, drooling, mouth open because jaw is so tired) try to look normal, but look even dumber because as you attempt to make it look like your mouth is closed, you are clenching your entire face looking like a toothless old man. Then you have to book your next appointment, try to set a date, spitting all over the place while trying to make out words but not working because the novicane was too damn strong. finally after you´ve given up and let the lady in the office just set the date and time for the next appointment, you go home, try to drink some coffe, but fail because you just burned your entire mouth and neck, for you forgot you couldn´t feel the burning liquid in your mouth.'
uuuuufffffff..... what you do for healthy teeth... ;) hehe

Yes, the lovely dentist... i think the lovely trip to the manicure and peticure studio will be next on the artinerary :)

Monday, March 07, 2005

No new photopage

I have been deleted. Barnaland no longer wants my beautiful pictures on its homepage. Well, considering that it is a program for newly mothers and mothers to be, I do not find it wierd that they threw my drinking pictures off. Hmmm, what´s wrong with them? I do not know.

This weekend we had the "Yearly-celebration" or Árshátið. The theme was casino, and it was SPLENDID! I had sooooo much fun! Wish I had taken some pictures!!! MAN! Well, not like some of you would be able to see the pictures... hmm. This is not good, I have to find some way to figure out a new picture page.

Akureyri is good. The weather has been good. School is, um, still going on.... grand fun.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Beatles truth

If there´s anything that you want. If there´s anything I can do. Just call on me and I´ll send it along, with love from me to you.
What a beautiful line. Is it not? That is a person saying that they will do whatever you ask them to do, and they´ll do it with love. What a great jesture! Is this only something that was back in the good-ole days, the 60´s, or do we still do these kinds of favours willingly? Maybe it was all the free love back then, or people´s reaction to war and they just felt like they should do things for people without thinking "what do I get from this?" Wouldn´t that be a great world we would live in if people thought more about others and less of themselves? Has our world turned into a place where you cannot survive unless you suck the soul out of you mates?
Love, all we need is love.
Love is all we need, I agree with you Paul McCartney. I would do anything to see the children in Africa smiling, to hear that AIDS is no longer a problem in this disease infested world of ours. Love is a healer and we must learn to nurture that thought. If we stop the racism, facistm, and predudice, them maybe we can learn to love those who are different from us. Put aside the money, the greed, and notice that there is more to the world then what you think. This world could be a beautiful, beutiful place if we broke down the walls of naiveness and shortsightedness.
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. You may say I´m a dreamer, but I´m not the only one.

Hildur Sólveig

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Akureyrar sitý

I'm in an Akureyri... state of mind....
So, Reykjavík was grand! I had so much fun! We got there on Thursday, and we went on the town, Friday was basically free time. I met up with Stína and we hung out all day. Then that evening we went to Póstbarinn and hooked us up with some cheap drinks. Then we went to Pravda and partied till the break of dawn. Well, maybe not break of dawn, since it doesn´t get bright so early, but ya´ll get the point. Then on Saturday I met up with Vala and Anna from Suðureyri, and then I went to Hveragerði. Then when I left Hveró, I went back to the hotel where madness was going on. There were tons of people just hanging out at the hotel with a guitar. I ended up taking the first song, getting the guitar party started (with my abnoxious voice) and then the guy playing the guitar ended up playing "rap". This guy Hannes, who is in the "party commitee" started dissing some people, and they all started dissing him back, and then people were like, THE LAWYER´S NOW! That meant me, cuz i was the only law student there, and it ended up that me and Hannes were going back and forth the entire night rhyming and dissing each other. We were standing on chairs and it was straight up HALLARIOUS! Then we finished with a peaceful rhyme, sang some songs and then went downtown. The entire night people were telling me how I kicked his ass, which makes no sense because he dissed me soooooo bad. But, since the public opinion is what matters, we´ll stop the story there ;)
When we went downtown I met up with Stína again and we had soooooo much fun! I HAVE MISSED HER LIKE CRAZY! It was so good to meet up with her AND KRISTÓFER again! I saw a glimps of Kólbeinn, but he was working so I didn´t see him too much... :(
I just shat on myself today in a test, shit. We´ll see how that went.
I think i´m getting sick... when does the madness stop?
I can´t wait to see gramps and grams again... they´re lovely
I got an email from Leah the other day, miss her!!! I talked to Anna on the phone the other day, MISS HER TOO!

I want everyone to take care of themselves and stay happy :)
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Reykjavík city here I come

Well, the University is going on a "field trip" to Reykjavík. We leave today, drive back on Sunday. I cannot wait and I know it will be tons of fun. I cannot wait to see my Rvk people! I will most likely go to Hveragerði on Saturday, Soffía´s 40th birthday, and see the fam there. Yippee! It would have been great had mum come to Iceland, but you can´t have everything ;) Well, cheers till then, and I just want to tell people that I just added some viewable pictures to the picture page. All right, I hope everyone has a great weekend. Adios


the RVK gal

Terrible things are happening

Yesterday I was watching the tube, like many others, and after Jay Leno came a biography movie about the children in Palestine. Yes, it was a movie about the Israel- Palestine problem that has been going on since after WW2. Palestine is a country, or maybe that is just an ideal thought, that is being taken over and invaded by the Israelies. When I was watching the film I tried to watch it with an open mind, tried to see it from a neutral point of view, but my anger just soared as I saw a huge army tank rummage through the streets of Palestine, scaring children by speeding towards them and Israeli soldiers shooting in order to scare the children. I will admit that the children were throwing rocks and such at the tanks, but what are several pebles to a huge army tank? Being a soldier in one of them tanks, getting rocks thrown at me non-stop, I believe I would get a little bit annoyed, but then if I was an Israeli soldier in a tank, in the Palestine area, pretending to have some power over the Palestinians, I would think to myself... "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?!?"
It's also amazing to see how the Palestine people worship the people who die. It is seen as being inappropriet to cry when a person dies due to Israeli soldiers. Those who die are martyrs, dying for their faith. You saw small children talking about how they wanted to be martyrs and die for Palestine. Where does this nationalism come from? It of course comes from the hate for those who are invading their lives. The Palestine people are prisoners within their own towns, checkpoints blocking the roads out, Israeli soldiers in the mountains, ready to shoot at any Muslim when they find the need. The constant terror that the Palestine live with is not a thing which people should have to put up with. It is a violation of their human rights, the right to be a human being. Living constantly in fear of course draws out the anger and irrationability in the people.
Damn, I can tell you all that by watching that movie, I became ashamed of being where I was. Living in Iceland in a country so peaceful, studying a topic that will, most likely, help those who have money. I felt that I should be somewhere else helping others, letting others know about the war crimes being done by the Israelies in Palestine. Hopefully this post will open the minds of others, and show them that the way that the Israelies are acting towards the Palestinians, is the exact same way that the Nazi's acted towards the Jews. Just terrible that this is what the USA are supporting.
Pray for peace on Earth,
Hildur Sólveig

Thursday, January 27, 2005


If anyone can tell me of a photo page that does not cost anything and has a lot of memory for you to put on it... PLEASE tell me. The new photo page doesn't take any more pictures, and not everyone can view the old page. Therefore, I need a new album. I just wasted quite a lot of time trying to find stuff, and I really need to start writing my 6-8 page essay. JOY! HELP ME PLEASE!
the not so "computer-clever" blogger