Monday, November 14, 2005

oh how life laughs at me...

Life in Akureyri is rediculous!
Because I have fallen on my ass so many times, I walk the streets of Akureyri like a 70 year old woman. I take baby steps, with my hands out like an airplane to balance myself, and hunch forward so that my big ass computer backpack won´t pull me backwards.

All I gotsta say is... come on now...


  1. Anonymous said...

    Ég hefði borgað fyrir að sjá þetta.
    KV. Herdís

  2. Anonymous said...

    I can't even explain the mental image I have in my head. Poor Hildur :( BUT JUST THINK....only a few more weeks and you'll be here in the states where, of course, Williamsburg will have nothing but morning frost.

  3. Anonymous said...

    baby steps! be a turtle, breath the turtle, slow but steady!!!!!

    yoyoyooyoo when do you get home????

  4. Vala Rún said...

    Hahaha ég sé þetta alveg fyrir mér;) en þú átt alla samúð mína.. skila knúsi til bossans með von um fljótan bata;)