Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Busy day Gestern!

So, yesterday was quite a busy day. There was a seminar yesterday about self-determination and the right of peoples to it. Speakers from Iceland, Faroe Islands, a very nice looking young man from Greenland, a professor from Ireland were there informing us about self determination, and whether the Faroe Islands should be independent, whether Greenland should be independent, telling us about East Timor´s brutal fight for self-determination and Irelands nightmare history. Is it not a little strange how massacres happen all over the world but people are so slow to find out and react? I think that´s a little interesting.
Did you know that the part of Greenland that is not covered with ice is as big as France? Crazy, eh?
So yesterday the student council of the law department here in the University of Akureyri handed a requisition to the minister of education, as I mentioned below, at Akureyri airport. She took the requisition very well, talked to us a little bit, and then left to go to a meeting with the University Big Guys. It´ll be interesting to see how and what comes out of the meeting... whether a masters program in law will be tought here, and if not, how will we protest! :oO
Aight, Leah... I´ll write you an email soon...
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    vá, var ekki alveg að skilja allan textann en allavega: skemmtu þér ;)
    Kv. Herdís

  2. Anonymous said...

    Mér finnst að þú ættir miklu frekar að blogga á hinu annars ágæta alþýðumáli sem rússneskan er!!!!

    Enski? Það talar enginn enski!

    Kv. Mummi Kahlisnhikov.

  3. Hildur Sólveig said...

    brúskí... rúskí... babúshkí!
    Ég geri þetta bara handa þér Mummi, svo að þú æfir þig eithvað í enskíuni. Annars er þetta á ensku fyrir vini mína sem búa úti... svo eru þið svo fjandans gáfuð að ég get alveg skrifað þetta á ensku. Kannski ætti ég að fara í rússnensku kennslu, þá mundu allir skilja!