Friday, June 17, 2005


Jæja, ég vil bara þakka öllum fyrir afmæliskveðjuna þeirra.... takk takk takk takk takk!!! 20 ára afmælið er náturlega 'stór-afmæli' á íslandi, og ég er svaka ömó að vera í the USA, en... það verður bara teiti þegar ég kem áftur til landsins... fólk verður bara að koma að heimsækja mig á Akureyri! :) Annars er þetta bara búið að vera alveg æðislegt að vera hérna í Williamsburg Virginia, nema það að ég er eins rauð og humar því ég brann svo um daginn... vonandi verð ég sammt bara brún... yea right! ;) Síðasti dagur hanns Einar Karls í skólanum er í dag... voða spenntur. Hann fer ekki á klakann fyrr en í júlí held ég... karlinn er svoldið svektur, honum hlakkar náturlega svo ótrúlega mikið til að fara vinna í fiski á Suðureyri! (mmhmm). Ég fékk námslánið um daginn... I´M RICH!!! $$$$$$$$ Ég er ekki en búin að eyða neinu, en það fer að koma að því... maður er alltaf að taka bensín... djö!
17. Júní er í dag... TIL HAMINGJU ÍSLAND
jæja, ég bið að heilsa öllum... svaka djamm á klakkanum í kveld... GÓÐA SKEMMTUN!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

BiRthDaY sUitS aNd TowEls

So, i've started my second job, today will be my third day... i am a spa attendant at the Kingsmill Spa. I fold a lot of towels, show some wealthy people the lockerrooms and kiss ass :) I love it! Coaching is going well, everything is coming along. Mum flew to Austria yesterday... i hope she has ONE HELL OF A TIME THERE!!! So exciting.
So, last night a couple of us went over to our friend Harrison's house. We sat there, reminisced about middle school... fun for those of us who went to Berkeley... anywho... We decided that we were all going to go swimming, most everybody had trunks on, or some sort of undergarnment that could be used as a suit. I had just come from work, did not have a suit or appropriet undergarnment, and therefore sat on the pooldeck... until Justin and Harrison said they would dive in naked and swim 1 lap if I got in... so... i did a backflip into the pool, in my work clothes, and they then dove into the pool in their birthday suits... quite funny. So, that was the highlight of my day yesterday... since I worked from 3 till 10. I was exhausted afterwards.
The weather here is lovely, too hot though.... wish i was at the beach, maybe this week.
Righty-o i'm gonna go lay out,
the freckled beast.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Many many birthdays have past

STÍNAS BIRTHDAY WAS THE 27TH OF MAY!!! I tried to call the homegirl, but i got no answer... must have been out celebrating at the many graduation parties that were going on on her birthday! TIL HAMINGJU MEÐ belated- AFMÆLIÐ!!! p.s. I am not getting plastic surgery Stína, so you can be at ease.... for i know you would most definatly tell me if I looked like crap.
JUNE 5TH, that is yesterday, WAS THE TWINS' BIRTHDAY!!! Silje and Kristin also did turn 20, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I still haven´t set up my computer, so I was not able to skype you guys!!! Same goes to you Stína.
VALA HAS GRADUATED!!!! HOORAH! Til hamingju elskan og vonandi er alveg æði í útskriftarferðini!
So, some stuff has happened since I last blogged. I am coaching a summer swim team here in Williamsburg, surprise surprise. I am also going to be a Spa Attendant at the Kingsmill Spa where my mom works. That´ll be fun, working in a spa! woohoo! So, the bum, as Kristin and I like to call ourselves at times, is a bum no more!! SCORE!
So um, I am going to have to write more on this blog, controversial subjects just keep coming up, i just don´t write them down! I have to get on that. All right darlings, gotta go eat some fish cheeks.... mmm :s