Tuesday, November 20, 2007

one day I'll fly away

As I am writing this I’m either floating over Boston, New York (because I am soooo fancy) or some very unimportant town/village/burg, waiting for the stewardess to answer my call. I either want a beer, a cup of coffee or water. She does not want to answer my call, has not answered my call for the past hour, and if I push and push and push, pretend to be choking and fall down in the middle of the aisle, I don´t think she´ll answer me! Ok, a little dramatic, but you catch my flow. Maybe if Í decide to only drink water or coffee she will come answer my call. Please lady, I am soooooo bored here. And what do I do in my boredom? I blog… Hildur Blog! (hey, if you say that like the MC Hammer song, “what time is it? Hammer time” but rather “I blog” for “what time is it” (just say bloooooooog to try to fill in the extra time) and then “Hildur Blog” for “Hammer time”. I AM SOOOOOO COOL!

So, I am pretty excited to get home! Cannot wait to finally “get there”. Making my way to BWI isn’t the headache, it’s getting to the diiiirty burg, aka Williamsburg, that is the pain in the ass due to… TRAFFIC. Yes, the reason I live in Akureyri is to avoid the time eating monster called Traffic every…. single… day. We don´t have that problem in good old Akureyri. I would jump out of my car like it was a hot potato if I were stuck in traffic there… park it, jump out of it and walk to point X. In Akureyri the only traffic I wind up in is the parking lot by the school, trying to worm my way in and out of rows because people don´t know how to park. Háskóla-menntað folk kann ekki að leggja. (I won´t translate that.)

Yaddíyaddíyaddíyaddí…. How could I have forgotten something to read?!?! I hate it when I do that! AHHHH! And they were showing HAIRSPRAY on the plane. Shoot me. Ikkk, íkkkss, achhhh, úúúúhhhhh. The stewardess was playing charades a while ago, actually trying to act a bottle of liquor. Nobody understood what she was trying to say, and I told her she must be terrible in Actionary. Maybe that’s why she’s not answering me. Damn you lady! I PROMISE TO ORDER COFFEE!!!

So… my weekend in Reykjavík was good. I met up with Sara of course and also my cousin Sólveig Kristín. She decided to misuse and abuse my poor cell phone while flirting with med-students left and right. I actually had to knock a few off her (cough cough… hahaha). BUT that was not all, no no, Sólveig was working it that night… the little lady was a busy little bee… she had a whole group of guys from England (?) crawling all over her and I do believe she was able to hook one from France also. She was on fire. And I got to play in the ashes! CINDERELLA! CINDERELLA!

I admit I am gonna miss my Akureyri to bits! HUGS AND KISSES TO ALL MY LITTLE AKUREYRINGA! You know who you are… yes you do…. yes you do my pretties ;)

The stewardess finally decided to answer my call and brought me a cup of coffee. I rang my little button like a billion times but only did she notice that the red button was turned on when I had already ordered my coffee. Now she thinks I’m rude, making fun of her Actionary skills and impatient. She probably spit in my coffee.

-the americano-

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"And keep your eyes wide, the chance won´t come again..."

And now comes the blog that everyone has been waiting for...
The times they are a changing in the life of Hildur Sólveig. A new leaf has been turned and personally everything is upside down, inside out or a different color all in all. Which isn´t a strange feeling once I describe the events of last week.

On Thursday last week I decided, alone in my apartment, that I did not want to continue studying law. WOW. Now, I know many of you will think, "Hildur, it´s only 2 more years" and to my defense I will say "2 more years of self pity, unhappiness and going with the flow just to go with the flow...". I for one, am not like that and will choose happiness and a path with which I believe has a meaning for me. So the following day, Friday, I signed myself out of two courses and was therefore officially done with school. And now comes the but. BUT, I have not quit school all together. No, no, no, this little dove isn´t finished yet. Next fall I will study Polar Law at the University of Akureyri. and get my ML (Masters in Law) in Polar Law, and then I will continue my battle to change the world. Yes, change it.

Now, what will I do since I don´t have a purpose anymore, since I am no longer the law student that I have been for 3 1/2 years, now that I am no longer going to school every day and studying (or worrying about not studying) every breathing moment? I will do what every stable, clever, and well-rounded person does. MOVE TO THE WEST-FJORDS!! Hahahahaha! Yes ladies and gentlemen, the dove is turning into a swan and spreading her wings in the west-fjords. My beautiful home away from home away from home, or maybe just home away from home since I no longer live in Akureyri, but I think the 3 homes is more correct. Yaddíyaddí. Tomorrow or the next I will tell you all what profession I will have there. Those of you who know me can guess... or not, do as you please ;)

Ok, so, quitting (check), polar law (check), Suðureyri (check)... ah yes, I am going to the States tomorrow!!!! MY "HOME"!!!! I cannot wait. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it! wíííííí!!! Sooooo, all in all, I think my "big news" is then all in the open.

Changes are good. This is a huge change for me and I´m soooooo excited! Just had to put that in there!


-HsE- aka EsH (to continue the "change" theme)

"The times they are a-changing" -Bob Dylan

Friday, November 09, 2007


I love happiness. I love spontaneity. I love laughing at myself after being a fool. I love decisions that I make that I know are right. I love epiphanies. I love the snow but only when it is white and not gray because then it is polluted. I love the earth. I love waking up on a cool sunny morning. I love uncontaminated nature. I love natural people. I love true friends. I love my family with its flaws. I love flaws because they help me learn and become a better person and they make the person unique. I love uniqueness. I love the feeling after I exercise and my muscles ache. I love to smile, laugh and cry. I love disappointments because then I know things can only getter better. I love art. I love my guitar and the blisters I get when I try to make beautiful sounds. I love candlelight. I love playing with clay. I love water. I love making people happy. I love making people feel safe. I love being a best friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter and cousin. I love music. I love sleeping with my window open. I love learning all of life’s lessons. I love figuring out and going my own way.

I love being me. Being me, making decisions for me, caring for me.

I love to love. I hope you love to love too.
