Monday, November 29, 2004

The day goes on and on...

Ah, the heat is starting to come back to this winter-wonder(ummm...)land. No just kidding, it only feels a bit warmer because the temperature is not in the negative numbers. So, it's about 3 degrees C right now, the snow fading a bit, but nothing grand. When I walked out of my house this morning I thought I had entered a skating rink. See, here when the snow starts to melt a little bit, the ice that had been hiding underneath gives way and smakes you in the face as you fall on it. The bitch-slap from ICE. It's always fun. Hehe, yea... So, something that I think is really neat is when people have a group blog. It's great reading what a group of friends has to say, and the humour that is in that certain group. So, I picked up my passport today. Oh how the picture is GRAND! I look as white as my ass during winter, and it's just beautiful. I thought I was about to slap the lady today at the office where I picked my passport up. She was soooo rude and just plain ass BITTER! Yea well, if I was sitting on my ass all day I would probably be the same way. Well, no actually, I don't think I would. I would try to enjoy my life a little more, not be menopausing every damn day. This was the same lady that I talked to before... she must have remembered me... How could she have forgotten? A fun and spunky girl standing in front of her behind the glass window that seperated us? hehe, oh geeze, what is this post coming to? So, it's almost December! Oh how i'm going to be counting down the days til I go home. Not yet, I start when December begins. Sounds like a plan! Um, what else? Oh, I can't wait to see my VA peeps!! Sitting at Starbucks or Aroma's, drinking our coffee's and latte's, playing cards, and jammin! My toes are starting to tingle i'm getting so excited. :) Well, this is getting good... don't have much to say... ADIOS!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Words OF Wisdom

Hildur´s words of wisdom: DON´T EAT YELLOW SNOW!
This is some great advice that I give people here in Iceland. All that is not pure and white, should not be trusted... so anything gray, yellow, or a little green should be taken with caution. Yes my friends, with caution. So, the pathetic life of Hildur has her sitting up at school on a saturday night hanging on the internet. The reason: Sólveig asked me. What a great friend I am. That´s all right, because I slept all day anyway. I tell ya, these weekends definatly get to get abused and beaten into sleep. That´s all I do... SLEEP! ´That´s all right though, because I don´t get enough of it in the week. So, yesterday I went downtown with Sólveig. Kaffi Akureyri it was. I´m really starting to get tired of this DJAMM here in Akureyri. Every single damn weekend it´s the same people, same music and same old beer. Eww no just kidding, not the same beer of course. Don´t get me wrong, I like meeting my peeps, but it´s the rest of the people who I don´t like who get on my nerves. The usual old men who constantly feel up on your breasts and spill their beer on you. Oh, the djamm atmosphere. So, I´m still so crazy excited about going home! YIPPEE! Welp, my cousin Auður Birna is going to the Galapagos soon. She´s in South America, I believe Equador, right now, and I WISH HER THE BEST OF LUCK AND HAVE FUN! nothing more to say... ADIOS!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

1 month

A month til Christmas day!!! WOOHOO! So, Akureyri is starting to look like the North Pole. The Christmas lights have been put up around town and snowflake lights are hanging on the lightpoles on the main street. Not to mention the glistening snow which lays over the hills of this blessed town. Oh the snow. Yea, I must admit that those who do not get to experience the great snow of Akureyri, are missing out! PSH YEA RIGHT! Like stated very many times before, I'm usually falling on my ass and slipping and sliding all over the place. Ussss.... Aww, so I talked to my homebuay Árni just a little bit ago. I talked to him on SKYPE! GREAT INVENTION! hehe. So, I go home soon, after about 3 weeks or so. Then I get to RELAX! finally, because my health has been not too good. Yes, you heard it correctly from me, I have a soar throat. TERRIBLE! That´s about all that´s been going on in this blessed life of mine... not much to say, so i´m just going to say adios! c ya!
A month

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

As We Walked in Fields of SnOw!!

So, the streets in Akureyri are paved in snow. That blank above is my sample of snow to you all. Lovely. No but i'll tell you that I have to agree with my friend Andrea when she says that one of the most peaceful time of the day is when i'm walking to school. Beside the daily slip and fall on my ass, the daily windburn and the bloody daily skidding cars who never stop for me on the bloody crosswalk, it's VERY peaceful to walk to school. The temperture this morning as I was walking to school was near -7 degrees C! It´s fairly cold, but nothing that this crazy viking can´t endure. So, speaking about being crazy, I think my big round soccerball looking head is about to explode soon because Hart, Austin, Dworkin, Kelsen and some other fucking philosophers are trying to have a group orgy with me while i´m trying to catch some shut eye. Ewww, i´m only kidding, those men have been dead for a long time now, so I don´t think i´ll be able to fullfill THAT dream. (hehe Sólveig ;)...) ANYWAYS, yea this is the final week of this brain frying course. Man, I cannot wait til it is over! Oh how I am going to treat myself to something good on Friday. Speaking of, Singapore Sling and some other bands are playing on Friday at Deiglan. I do believe I may be thinking about going. Anyone care to join me? Oh how pathetic, I´m asking my blog to join me to a concert. híhí. It´s almost turning one, i´m up at school eating cold pizza from supper, i´m fatigued and trying to understand why the hell some philosophers think that law is something which it "ought" to be, while others think it´s something that "is". Damn! Well, at least the pizza is good. Oh, so I talked to VALA for a long time tonight! ÞAÐ VAR ALVEG ÆÐISLEGT AÐ TALA VIÐ ÞIG VALA MÍN! Aww, I miss my Reykjavík pack a LOT. Ya´ll know it too. Well, since we´re on this subject, then I also miss my Virginia pack, and my crazy Norwegian twins. :) haha well since I have no other friends, except perhaps a couple in PA, then i´m going to say ADIOS! Be safe, and if any of you have the same problem that I do.... butterfeet, then watch out for the hard ass sidewalk. ;)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Something Interesting

I'll tell you all something interesting which my teacher, the famous Mikael Karlsson said today in class. He went to NY over the weekend and came back with his head in awe. He said that the feeling in the air was very tense in the US. Is this true? It would be, no doubt, not wierd if it is tense. Half of the population is against that government power which is ruling the country. Should they feel stressed about what is going to happen? I do not know.

Another thing which I was caught by today was the imposed terror onto civilians. What the fuck is the deal with that? Especially these days, why can people not be let alone to live their life in peace? When we ask ourselves this question, we must think of others and not only the people living in societies as ourselves. Can you all imagine all those societies which have constantly lived in terror? Look at the Iraqis. No one will tell me that every night they are sleeping soundly in their king size beds with down comforters. No one. Do you all believe in karma? Perhaps we are all suffering the from our karma, because we have always had it so easy. We live our lives without realizing what is going on outside our sphere of happiness. Is this terrible? You ask yourself. Is it luck that we are born into a society which is not one full of poverty or sickness? Yes.... no? Are we simply supposed to be contempt with the "class" which we are put in? I'm sure the wealthy feel fine, and would not find any reason to change. What about the not so wealthy? I will tell you, that at the moment, I look upon our world right now as when slavery was going on. We have our society which is contempt with how we live. We do not want to change it and we can always look to the poor to feel better. Then we have the poor societies, the ones in Africa, the Mid-East, South America, Asia... and what? We look upon them and we don't see people, we see figures which are just there... the poor. It is not taken personally that they dying, starving or hurt. No, no, they are just in their societies which are supposed to stay that way. I mean, is that not what we are saying when we spend our money on things which are not any way necessary? We increase our prosperity, while others are dying. We view their classes, and expect them to stay that way. Is that not kinda sad? What is the deal with not helping others? Why is it something so interesting to be in the red cross? Is it not something which should be viewed upon as being something we say "of course we should go out and help others..."? I mean, why not? Why do we not help others? I do not know....

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


All right... well as ya´ll can probably see from the title of this blog, it´s my dad´s birthday. YIPPEE! I called him of course bright and early to wish him happy birthday. Oh, the favourit daughter... um Hildur, the only daughter. Well, I had to try to make up some bonus points because I called my grandfather the day after his birthday... shit! Æ, things like that happen.... :o/ Um, well I guess i´m gonna start off by saying
1. The guestbook is working now, so do sign
2. The photopage is gorgeous!
3. umm... CHECK'EM OUT!
Hehe, first thing done, check! Oh man, this weekend was great! On Friday there was a "country dance" (not square dance or anything, it just basically means that you can bring your own alcohol, and that you drive maybe 10 minutes out of Akureyri). The band, my favorit band at the moment, DOUGLAS WILSON... remember the www story? Well, if you don´t then you can check it out here bEloW. Well, Hildur took her usual steps on the dance floor. Ya´ll know what? I think I look like an airplane when I dance, mayve like an octapus. Who knows, at least... I just let go and let the spirit of the music man enter my body and take control. ;) owww! Anyways, many beautiful people there... and then the girl who has a sheep on the top of her damn head who dances like a chicken with it´s head cut off, i mean octopus no worm when being put on the hook. Now I think everyone knows what it must look like to get a visit from the music man. Be jelouse, very very jelouse. Um, yea so to carry on with the story, there was a lot of dancing, a lot of drinking (had to stop around 1 to dry out some) and a lot a lot a lot of HAVING FUN! yippee! always fun. I HAVE NOT BEEN SO HUNGOVER IN A HELL OF A LONG TIME! JESUS! I seriously thought I was about to die! ugh, but no worries, cuz on Friday there´s this Gala-Night for the Sociology and Law Department which is going to be grand! Hopefully i´ll be able to steal some pictures and put them on my photo-page after the weekend. Well, I don´t really have anything else to say, believe it or not... but I do believe I have written quite a lot. Now I think i´m going to finish this cup of coffee that I just got, finish 1 BeeGees song and then head on home... into my disaster-site of a room. I tell you all that my room is D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G!!! ugh... well I leave you all now with a song...
we can work it out
we can work it out
life is very short and there´s no ti-i-i-i-i-i-ime for fussing and fighting my friend
i have always thought that it´s a cri-i-i-i-ime so i will ask you once again
try to see it my way
only time will tell if i am right or i am wrong
why to see it your way
there´s a chance we might fall apart before too long
we can work it out
we can work it out
-the one and only BEATLES "we can work it out"

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another 4 Years? Are you Serious?

This is a SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD, SAD day for the whole world. The date, 3. November, 2004, the day after the United States Presidential Elections. It´s down to Ohio, but the probability that Hitler, oops sorry I mean #1 terrorist and worst thing since the genocide of the Jews, the "man" who calls himself Bush will succeed and take the "throne" of being president one more time is fairly high. People, all people around the world, should now ask themselves.... HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?? I know that that is what I am asking myself. In my little bubble of denial I am hoping that Republicans are secretly hiding their intention of trying to get Hillary Clinton into office after 4 years. I do not understand how people could actually want a man who has killed his own people, people from Europe and people in the Middle East... anyone care to inform me? His lies- oil, weapons of mad distruction and terrorism- have made the view of the world apon America not good. Why then would citizens of the United States want to make themselves even more unpopular by voting for the same jack ass one more time? The thing is that now that the US actually agreed and voted for this man again, means that now there is no defence for the citizens of the US to say that this man did a terrible thing(s). They are in a sense saying that they agreed with what this man did. Does this remind us of anything? Perhaps the denial that the Germans had when Hitler was in power? THIS CANNOT STAND. How do the Republicans let some ass on strings who plays doll in the White House be the representative of the most powerful country of the world? Then there are those who think that the US can rule the whole world without the opinion of Europe. We should all know by now that diversity is the key to a fruitful life. You do not grow without getting new and more information to adapt and grow from. This is so important for people to realize. For people´s information, I am have lived more than half of my life in the US and live now in Iceland, so I do not believe anyone can tell me I don´t know what I´m talking about. I have both the American and European views of what has been going on in Afghanistan, Palestine and Irac. I do not understand what people do... But, I will tell you all now... It is now a battle for freedom. This Christmas you will most definatly see Hildur wearing her fu*k Bush shirt, because


I think it´s rediculous that we are having to battle these ideas and restrictions in 2004!! I ask everyone to take a stand and do not let the ideas of the Bush Administration weigh you down. Keep you goals to make a better world and do not give in to the sharks.
For everyone´s information, this is my opinion and my opinion only. If anyone has a problem with this, then try to explain to me how the poverty, lies and scandles of the Bush administration can be good. This is what I would like to hear.

Now I will say that this sad sad day will be recorded and viewed as a big mistake in a few years, and dear God, I do not know why people act the way they do. TERRIBLE!

Hildur Sólveig
aka "the sad blogger"

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A little Theory of Knowledge

If a tree is cut down, is it still a tree? Does it play the same role as it did before? Is it still a living organism which functions in going through the process of photosynthesis and germinating to reproduce? This is a question you may one day ask yourself if you enter Sir Mikael Karlsson´s class of Legal Theory. Now what I ask you is, is a christmas tree really a tree, or have we all been wrongfully mislead our whole lives? So the next time you get a bouquet of flowers, just remember that it is not flowers which you are getting, but instead you are getting 'used to be flowers which are not any more.' They are something that once was, but are no longer. Ah, you gotta love the theories behind life. Another, do we find laws, or do laws find us. Was the theory of Pathagores there before he figured it out? Are the laws of math in our world for us to find, or are they invented by us to try to define something which we want to try to understand better? Hmm... well i´ll let ya´ll figure this out... enjoy! ;o)oh by the way, you guys can post comments, since I haven´t figured out yet how to put a questbook on my page.