Saturday, November 27, 2004

Words OF Wisdom

Hildur´s words of wisdom: DON´T EAT YELLOW SNOW!
This is some great advice that I give people here in Iceland. All that is not pure and white, should not be trusted... so anything gray, yellow, or a little green should be taken with caution. Yes my friends, with caution. So, the pathetic life of Hildur has her sitting up at school on a saturday night hanging on the internet. The reason: Sólveig asked me. What a great friend I am. That´s all right, because I slept all day anyway. I tell ya, these weekends definatly get to get abused and beaten into sleep. That´s all I do... SLEEP! ´That´s all right though, because I don´t get enough of it in the week. So, yesterday I went downtown with Sólveig. Kaffi Akureyri it was. I´m really starting to get tired of this DJAMM here in Akureyri. Every single damn weekend it´s the same people, same music and same old beer. Eww no just kidding, not the same beer of course. Don´t get me wrong, I like meeting my peeps, but it´s the rest of the people who I don´t like who get on my nerves. The usual old men who constantly feel up on your breasts and spill their beer on you. Oh, the djamm atmosphere. So, I´m still so crazy excited about going home! YIPPEE! Welp, my cousin Auður Birna is going to the Galapagos soon. She´s in South America, I believe Equador, right now, and I WISH HER THE BEST OF LUCK AND HAVE FUN! nothing more to say... ADIOS!