Monday, November 15, 2004

Something Interesting

I'll tell you all something interesting which my teacher, the famous Mikael Karlsson said today in class. He went to NY over the weekend and came back with his head in awe. He said that the feeling in the air was very tense in the US. Is this true? It would be, no doubt, not wierd if it is tense. Half of the population is against that government power which is ruling the country. Should they feel stressed about what is going to happen? I do not know.

Another thing which I was caught by today was the imposed terror onto civilians. What the fuck is the deal with that? Especially these days, why can people not be let alone to live their life in peace? When we ask ourselves this question, we must think of others and not only the people living in societies as ourselves. Can you all imagine all those societies which have constantly lived in terror? Look at the Iraqis. No one will tell me that every night they are sleeping soundly in their king size beds with down comforters. No one. Do you all believe in karma? Perhaps we are all suffering the from our karma, because we have always had it so easy. We live our lives without realizing what is going on outside our sphere of happiness. Is this terrible? You ask yourself. Is it luck that we are born into a society which is not one full of poverty or sickness? Yes.... no? Are we simply supposed to be contempt with the "class" which we are put in? I'm sure the wealthy feel fine, and would not find any reason to change. What about the not so wealthy? I will tell you, that at the moment, I look upon our world right now as when slavery was going on. We have our society which is contempt with how we live. We do not want to change it and we can always look to the poor to feel better. Then we have the poor societies, the ones in Africa, the Mid-East, South America, Asia... and what? We look upon them and we don't see people, we see figures which are just there... the poor. It is not taken personally that they dying, starving or hurt. No, no, they are just in their societies which are supposed to stay that way. I mean, is that not what we are saying when we spend our money on things which are not any way necessary? We increase our prosperity, while others are dying. We view their classes, and expect them to stay that way. Is that not kinda sad? What is the deal with not helping others? Why is it something so interesting to be in the red cross? Is it not something which should be viewed upon as being something we say "of course we should go out and help others..."? I mean, why not? Why do we not help others? I do not know....