Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A little Theory of Knowledge

If a tree is cut down, is it still a tree? Does it play the same role as it did before? Is it still a living organism which functions in going through the process of photosynthesis and germinating to reproduce? This is a question you may one day ask yourself if you enter Sir Mikael Karlsson´s class of Legal Theory. Now what I ask you is, is a christmas tree really a tree, or have we all been wrongfully mislead our whole lives? So the next time you get a bouquet of flowers, just remember that it is not flowers which you are getting, but instead you are getting 'used to be flowers which are not any more.' They are something that once was, but are no longer. Ah, you gotta love the theories behind life. Another, do we find laws, or do laws find us. Was the theory of Pathagores there before he figured it out? Are the laws of math in our world for us to find, or are they invented by us to try to define something which we want to try to understand better? Hmm... well i´ll let ya´ll figure this out... enjoy! ;o)oh by the way, you guys can post comments, since I haven´t figured out yet how to put a questbook on my page.