Monday, November 29, 2004

The day goes on and on...

Ah, the heat is starting to come back to this winter-wonder(ummm...)land. No just kidding, it only feels a bit warmer because the temperature is not in the negative numbers. So, it's about 3 degrees C right now, the snow fading a bit, but nothing grand. When I walked out of my house this morning I thought I had entered a skating rink. See, here when the snow starts to melt a little bit, the ice that had been hiding underneath gives way and smakes you in the face as you fall on it. The bitch-slap from ICE. It's always fun. Hehe, yea... So, something that I think is really neat is when people have a group blog. It's great reading what a group of friends has to say, and the humour that is in that certain group. So, I picked up my passport today. Oh how the picture is GRAND! I look as white as my ass during winter, and it's just beautiful. I thought I was about to slap the lady today at the office where I picked my passport up. She was soooo rude and just plain ass BITTER! Yea well, if I was sitting on my ass all day I would probably be the same way. Well, no actually, I don't think I would. I would try to enjoy my life a little more, not be menopausing every damn day. This was the same lady that I talked to before... she must have remembered me... How could she have forgotten? A fun and spunky girl standing in front of her behind the glass window that seperated us? hehe, oh geeze, what is this post coming to? So, it's almost December! Oh how i'm going to be counting down the days til I go home. Not yet, I start when December begins. Sounds like a plan! Um, what else? Oh, I can't wait to see my VA peeps!! Sitting at Starbucks or Aroma's, drinking our coffee's and latte's, playing cards, and jammin! My toes are starting to tingle i'm getting so excited. :) Well, this is getting good... don't have much to say... ADIOS!