Thursday, December 02, 2004

13 DAYS!!! bed FiGhTs and frost...

OH i can´t wait to go home. THERE´S NO PLACE LIKE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! Ahhh... this is seriously starting to become an obsession. I can´t fall asleep at night because i´m starting to plan what i´m going to do while i´m home. Take the dogs to cw, go get coffee, and sow. Knowing me, i´ll probably only spend 1 day in sowing, won´t give a damn about the dogs, even forget to feed them, and sit all by myself rotting at the coffee houses. Haha, no just kidding, I think i´m going to have a blast. Relaxing and stuff. Oh, so something good happened today.... an essay which I though I was supposed to hand in tomorrow isn´t due til after a week! Ha! God must be playing with my head, I must have hear wrong. The Christmas spirit must be in my stallion of a teacher, haha! no, he´s a great teacher, just feel a little guilty because i haven´t been showing up too often. Actually, I´ve barely been showing up at all. I tell you, every single morning I have a terrible terrible fight with my bed. I hit it, bite it, and yell at it to let me wake up and go to school, but where as my strong will is just not AS STRONG as the will of my bed, I usually sleep through lesson and just go up to the school library. The battles which one must go through every day. It´s not strange though that one does not want to wake up, I mean, it doesn´t get bright til around 11, and before then, all you can hear is the wind blowing and the frost forming on your window. No desire to go into the cold I tell you. And also the fact that I have to walk 15 minutes to get to school just destroys my will. Oh how my life is hard... wah! haha just kidding.

Well, 13 days til I go home! I´M SO DAMN EXCITED! CHEERS!

Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    Haha..já og veistu það er ekki bara rúmið sem maður á í stríði við heldur er það helv..vekjaraklukkan sem spyr mann alltaf sömu spurningar turn off??? Ég meina yes or no við svona sko...ekki alveg tilbúin að svara þessu svona snemma með hálfopin augu sem eru full af augnstírum :) En hef mikla trú á þér súrefnið mitt og veit að þér eigi eftir að ganga vel...
    Kv.Sólveig Fríða

  2. Anonymous said...

    HELLLOOO MY DARLING. its leah, and i plan on emailing you sometime before my exams begin but ive had papers alll this week. i. cant. wait. for. you. to. come. home. oh, the coffee drinking and rotting we have yet to do this month....:) loveleah