Monday, December 06, 2004

Ain't no sunshine when it RAINS

So, lovely day today here in Akureyri, wind blowing, ice melting and practically no daylight at all. Oh how the weather in Iceland is unbelievably good. YEA RIGHT. You know, i'm not kidding when i say it didn't get light at all, because it did't. And now, at four o' clock, it is dark and dreary, raining and just wet. Wet wet wet. I was contemplating this morning if I should buy iceskates, because I was slippin and slidin the whole way to school. It's unbelievable what we vikings have to put up with. Haha, I even started thinking, because I do so much of that on my walk to school, how "cool" I would be if I would show up to class with iceskates flung around my shoulder. Further into that thought, I started laughing... realizing that if I would pursue my idea, I would most likely fall, stab myself with the skate that were flung around my shoulder, and die. Hmm, best leave that idea only in my head... oh the great things that I come up with! :) (even though I would look awesome with my skates)!!! So, I think I should get a medal. No, not because of my brilliant idea with the skates, but because I conquered my bed this morning and was able to get to class! WOOHOO! Only about 15 minutes late (we'll blame that on the skate-less walk to school) ;) Oh, I forgot to write about the SPLENDID and most beautiful concert that I went to last Thursday. The concert: Eivor Palsdottir, who has the most beautiful voice ever!! Seriously, when I left Græni Hattinn, I was in a trance. Her voice is a beautiful piece of art... if you can say that. Sure, it´s my sentence, I say what I want. On the way home, Sólveig got to hear my constant squeeky voice describing everything, oh and i mean EVERYTHING, which I thought was great. And when I wasn´t talking, I was speachless! It was LOVELY! Haha, and when I parted with Sólveig, I sang the whole way home, trying with great passion to hit the pitches which she sang, which turned out to be an ungodly act of me... but hey, it made the ICE under my FEET start cracking!! Maybe that´s a method of survival which I should continue to pursue... especially when I´m walking my ass to school. Then there´ll be no falling for Miss Hildur...
The Ice-breaker


  1. Anonymous said...

    Ég mana þig til að koma á skautum í skólann. það væri geggjað fyndið að sjá dreddagelluna á skautum í skólanum