Friday, November 09, 2007


I love happiness. I love spontaneity. I love laughing at myself after being a fool. I love decisions that I make that I know are right. I love epiphanies. I love the snow but only when it is white and not gray because then it is polluted. I love the earth. I love waking up on a cool sunny morning. I love uncontaminated nature. I love natural people. I love true friends. I love my family with its flaws. I love flaws because they help me learn and become a better person and they make the person unique. I love uniqueness. I love the feeling after I exercise and my muscles ache. I love to smile, laugh and cry. I love disappointments because then I know things can only getter better. I love art. I love my guitar and the blisters I get when I try to make beautiful sounds. I love candlelight. I love playing with clay. I love water. I love making people happy. I love making people feel safe. I love being a best friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter and cousin. I love music. I love sleeping with my window open. I love learning all of life’s lessons. I love figuring out and going my own way.

I love being me. Being me, making decisions for me, caring for me.

I love to love. I hope you love to love too.



  1. Anonymous said...

    And we love you for being you! :D Knús og koss frá Þórunni

  2. Anonymous said...

    Og ég elska hvernig þú lýsir og orðar hlutina. Elska þig líka alveg eins og þú ert, með öllum þínum kostum og göllum (en gallarnir eru by the way ekki margir) Koss og knús

  3. eiby baby said...

    Flott blogg hjá þér elskan. Knús frá Sólborg

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hæhæ Hildur mín!!
    Ætlaði bara að láta þig vita að maður er strax farinn að sakna þín!! Held að það verði illa skrítið að hafa þig ekkert í skólanum á næstu önn!!
    En hafðu það rosalega gott úti og góða skemmtun, þú átt það svo sannarlega skilið!!!
    Kossar og knús héðan frá eyrinni!! :)