Sunday, November 13, 2005

Life, or something like it...

On Friday I was walking to school in my new Timberland boots, feeling pretty awesome to have Timbs and walking in them in actual weather where they are needed. It had snowed the night before, but there was just a small small amount of it on the icerink that I call the parking lot outside my aparment house. Well, I'm walking, very carefully when I almost reach the snowcovered grass BUT NO... SWOOOOOSHHHHHH Hildur falls on her ass! Not just falls, but flies! And yes, of course the first thing one does is chuckle and make sure noone saw. Too bad there were like 10 cars driving by when I fell, so I jumped up, dusted myself off and made my way to school. Secretly smiling, I listen to my ipod mini, being incredibly CAREFUL to not humiliate myself like I did 2 minutes before. So I'm walking to school, about to walk up the hill to the school... when SWWOOOOOOSSSHHHHH(fuck)HHHHH, BAMMMMMMMM!!! I fall on my damn swollen ass again! Is there a God and if yes, why is he making me humiliate myself like this?!?! haha! This time there were like 20 cars driving by, and we must remember that I fall right by the school so there were definitly some students driving by. ONE car happened to have one of my teachers in it, AND SHE JUST STARED AT ME!!! haha, don't smile and laugh with me... wahhhh! :( But, things started looking up when an old man in a white car stopped and asked me if I wanted a ride up to the University. Very sheepishly I said yes, tried to act all cool in the car because he saw me fly on my ass, and thanked him for driving me 30sec to the school.

I had the confidence of a mouse in an alley of cats that day.
My friends laughed a lot that day.
My ass still hurts today.

black and blue ass


  1. Anonymous said...

    Have to say, one of my favorite posts. I couldn't stop laughing, and then I imagined the GI Joe video where the kids is like "Holy Cow, I'm like going so fast....OH FUCK". Anyway, I hope your ass is feeling a little better. WE NEED TO SKYPE SOON. Love ya, miss ya, and I'll see you fairly soon!

  2. Anonymous said...

    aww fuck im totally going so fast!!! im sure you had that hardcore face on so everyone knew who they were fucking with!!! well i just wanted to tell you im goign to email you sooon...we have both been busy!!!

  3. Hildur Sólveig said...

    give her a ride.... DON'T GIVE HER A RIDE.... awwwwwww!

  4. Anonymous said...

    haahahahahahahahahahahha....eina sem ég get sagt:)

  5. Anonymous said...

    hahahaha...þetta átti að vera stína