Sunday, September 04, 2005


Jæja, ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða Blogsíðu Þemis- Félags Laganema við HA, þá er síðan
Ef einhver hefur áhuga á að skoða blogsíðu Kumpána, Félag Félagsvísinda og Laganema við HA, þá er sú síða
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    that doesn't look like hinar mish tof teppe!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hildur Sólveig said...

    oh Anna... or Leah... i don't know which one because you didn't write your name! Anyways... I was just writing the address of the legal department blog and the social-and legal department blog. EXCITING!

  3. Anonymous said...

    HEY, I WAS GONNA SAY 'HINER MISHTOF TEPPE, BITCH!' In that case I'll say "Yea, elska thig". Love ya Hildur, miss you! Sorry I haven't commented lately...first week of classes was a bitch and don't even get me started on this weekend with Chris. I'll tell you about it later...what was that program I was supposed to download so we could talk? Love ya lots, miss you more! MUAH

  4. Anonymous said...

    msn talker?? or wait, what was that you sent to m e last week? send it again...loveleah i gues s this is kinda embarrissingly telling of how many times a day i check your blog????

  5. Hildur Sólveig said...

    you dorks... well it´s good to know that I have a blog fan. Hoorah. The thing you´re supposed to download is skype... you´ll find it on
    It´s a free internet telephone... I wanna hear some gossip from ya´ll, so start skyping me! PLUS the internet in my appartment works now, so i´ll be around my computer more. All right, i´ll talk to ya´ll later! ciao!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Hildur, I downloaded Skype! I've set everything up and I've added you as a contact, yet you are nowhere to be found in the online world. I'm so excited to try it out! Talk to you soon :-D MUAH

  7. Anonymous said...

    P.S. that last one was from yours truly, Banana