Thursday, May 05, 2005

The City Slickers of Reykjavík

Ó borg mín borg...
Reykjavík is the place to be at the moment! I got here around four... that´s when the plane flew in. The trip went well, the kid sitting next to me and I were playing hangman and making time fly! LITERALLY! But, since it´s only an hour flight, time didn´t matter too much. Olly, a friend of mine, was on the same flight. Talk talk talk about the exam and essay... we will never escape the sphere of the university.
Olly and I are going to go to the theater tonight, i´m not quite sure what we are about to see, but it has something to do with philosophy and Hitler´s inspiration. I hope it will be fun, if not... then at least it´s in all of good company. :) Magga Stína is also in RVK, i´m gonna have to meet up with her lata on too.
It was wierd leaving the appartment, since it looked different because of the things moved out and in... the feeling was wierd.
The city and I have a date tonight, so I will keep ya´ll posted how it goes ;)
bis dann...
Hildur the City Slicker


  1. Anonymous said...

    Neeeeiiiiiiiiii......ertu farin?? og ég fékk ekki að kveðja þig :(

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hæ skvís, gaman að heyra að þú hafir það gott í rvk og sért komin úr prófstress skapinu og getir loksins farið að njóta þess að vera til! SEM ER SVO GOTT!!!

    Kær kveðja frá Oss öllum héðan úr South Air City!

    Ciao bella

    Rúnar Karvel

  3. Hildur Sólveig said...

    ÆJI skvís!!! Ég veit... og svo sagðist ég ætla að hríngja eftir 10 mínutur, og svo gerði ég það aldrei! ÖMÓ! EN, við verðum bara að vera dugleg að plugga í bloggin hjá hvor öðru :) vonandi ertu að fljúga í gegnum prófin! *o*o*o*o*

  4. Anonymous said...

    Lélega gella! Vonandi hefurðu það ýkt gott og vertu dugleg að láta heyra í þér í sumar í gegnum netið...snilld!=) :*:*:*:*