Saturday, March 26, 2005

Aldrei fór ég Suður

Oh how life is good here in Suðureyri. Gram and gramps are slendid, the friends are great and the pool is fantastic. Tonight is 'Aldrei fór ég suður', a rock concert with many many bands. It´s in Ísafjörður and it´s gonna be KRAZY FUN! I´m going to a dinner party first though, but then Ísafjörður is on the artinerary. I went to a birthday party last night, and i felt like i was in a hen house... yap yap yap yap yap... thankfully my friend tinna was there to even out the insanity. Afterwards me and Tinna walked around Suðureyri for a while, instead of going to a concert (ball). We have a life.
So the little bro has a blog page... how funny! He´s such a cutie. Pictures from this spring break will come on the page sometime soon... i got another photopage that i will need to put on the net soon. aight, ciao!!!
'Aldrei var ég Hildur'


  1. Anonymous said...

    Alltaf jafn gaman hjá þér á Suðureyri c",) ...og það skil ég sko vel,,,,, afi þinn og amma eru alveg yndisleg!
    Fórum á Höfn um páskana, vorum að koma heim.
    Knús úr Kópavogi, Friðdóra Kr.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Ohh að hafa ekki komist vestur yfir páskana. Alltaf gott þar. Þurfti frekar að hanga útí sólbaði í 30 stiga hita á Kanarí. :p