Monday, April 04, 2005

Yea Yea Yea Yea YeaYea Yea

Lalalalalala lalalalalala soul captives are free!!!
So on Saturday I went to Sjallinn here in Akureyri and saw another rock concert. The main event... Nine Elevens were playing. They are a group that has their origin from Ísafjörður, crazy ass mother fuckers that wear leather pants and are bare chested... much like the vikings were in the olden days ;) There was a lot of yelling, headbanging and guitars on fire. I have to admit that that was pretty damn cool. Valdi´s facial expressions when he´s up on the stage belong on the big screen, i´m telling you, Jack Nicholson nr. 2!! hehe.
After that, Herdís and I went to Kaffi Akureyri, and it was fairly fun! Some were preoccupied talking to certain someones... and some were stuck on the dance floor. Hmm... who could those people be?
So, the Pope has passed away, I really have to read up on him... don´t nearly know enough about his good acts.
Michael Jackson is still on trial... wish we would learn about that in school. Instead, we are writing an essay on the International Court of Justice, which is amusing and fun, but come on... some court in Haag... or Michael Jackson....?!?!?
Coffee still tastes damn good.
Bob Marley is still an idol.
Bob Marley will always be an idol.
Bob Marley was the pope of Reggae.
Reggae is not rock.
This is crazy.
Over and out.
Akureyrar Sól


  1. Anonymous said...

    Ohh...ég kem á laugardaginn krúttan mín, sakna þín líka ýkt mikið og vildi að ég hefði komist í rokkið með þér!!
    Smell you later chica