Monday, April 11, 2005

Headlines Headlines

Let us see, news news news... what was in the news last night? Oh I've got one, Sharon is visiting Bush at his ranch in Texas. Great, just what another leader needs to know about the American people: talk with a crazy texan accent, wear gi-normous cowboys hats and hang around all day, from the break of dawn til the sunsets, in our ranch. Yes, not every leader gets to go to Bush's ranch, that's where they go to get a little down to nature, and God knows that's exactly where Sharon needs to go to realize that he's making a huge mistake. But, for some reason I do not believe that will be accomplished in Sharon's trip, for he is going to a ranch that is run on wealth from the oil companies. Can one relax when surrounded by corruption? -sure, i guess if corruption like, for example building walls that seperate and enclose Palestinians from Israelis, makes you comfortable. I think Sharon will have a blast there, discussing with the world's most dangerous world leader, Bush.

Speaking of world leaders, the president of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, is speaking today at the University. Perhaps my feet will lead me to him? Perhaps not.

Last headline: I cannot wait to go home!!!


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