Wednesday, August 31, 2005

How to look at pictures

In order to look at the pictures that are on my picture page, you have to click the picture link. After you do that, a thing will pop up saying that you need a password. That password is hildur hildur
Don´t forget the space inbetween my name! Leah, I already said this on a previous post! There are some pictures there from this summer, and some pictures also from the past week up HER in Akureyri. I changed my hair and it is GORGEOUS! haha just kidding, but it looks pretty cute. Aight bitches, start commenting.


Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    im sure very many people were confused as to how to see the pictures, but I, being the bold one, was the only one brave enough to ask!!!!!!! anyway, there are bricks outside that window and this morning something with like 100,000 legs crawled out of the shower drain....i think. anyway, all i know is that suddenly it was there and i was stricken with what to do about it. fucking bugs in the shower. you will be happy to know it turned out well...i splashed water on it and made it go back down the drain. it is probably holed up down there plotting some sort of revenge, but i shall be ready, oh yes. oh yes. off to get some cho-co-late, ill email you laterr love