Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Chicken Soup for the Chris

So, today i spent the entire day basically packing. I'm starting to get a little excited about going home. I took a little break in my day, drove my mum to work and took Chris some Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, since he just got his tonsels taken out... aww! Poor kid. Then the Leah-ster is getting 1, yes 1, singular, wisdom tooth out, and she's flipping shit. Poor Gal!!!
AHHHHH i'm getting nervous about going back to the klake! Geeze Luise!
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    Hildeguard, take care of Chris for me until you leave. He's a fragile little beast. Thank you for naming a column after me and if I am ever in Riceland, I will surely give my friend Hildu a call. The summer was rockin' and if you're ever in Charlottesville, we can go to Starbucks and sit there for like 400 hours and do nothing. Oh wait, that's what we did this summer. Holla! Later kid.

  2. Anonymous said...

    ok the side of my face is completely numb and i've developed a lisp so "flip my shit" sounds like "slip my sit." i haven't had a single cigarette since tuesday so please please please please please please please don't leave me in this conditionnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous said...

    thank you for the soup i cant eat it i cant eat anything but i appreciate that you thought to bring me soup. I am sorry i didnt get to see you ive been in my room with the blinds drawn all day long all day long all day long

    love chris

  4. Anonymous said...

    COME BACK RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!! I guess you're back in Riceland now and I miss you like crazy, BUT i know your culture night will be WiLd. Have lots of fun, and send me pictures of the new do. Love ya lots and miss you even more. MUAH*

  5. Anonymous said...

    Sæl frænka... Gaman að vera búinn að grafa upp þessa síðu... hlakka til að sjá þig!