Friday, July 01, 2005

Theme Party and I´m Miss Yeller!

Takk fyrir pakkann Vala! I just got a birthday present today from my friend Vala.... muah! kiss kiss kiss! So, Williamsburg is still good... I coach every weekday morning, and then i usually work at the spa from 3-10 during the night... unless there is a swim meet. Um, it's all right... I guess I can just say that it's a job. The other night I had the "coaches" over for a grill evening, and then some of my friends came over, and the pictures from that are fuckin hallarious! I'll put them sometime on the internet if I get permission from Chelsea, who is in a lot of them. Chelsea is a girl I work with, goes to William and Mary... crazy girl!!! :) It's her birthday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELSEA! She's having party tonight, a theme party where the theme is colors. Everyone is to be a color.... I'm gonna be yeller, Ashley red... we even bought little kids patio chairs to take along with us... INSANE. It'll be a crazy time. Will indeed take some pictures.
I have to go get ready for the spa... damn i love folding towels! ciao peeps!~
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    Njóttu vel;) jæja núna er bara vika þangað til ég veit hvort ég verð í Svíþjóð eða á Íslandi næsta vetur...

  2. Anonymous said...

    ég krossa puttana!!!
    Hildur Sólveig

  3. Anonymous said...

    Sæl skvís!
    Ertu ekki að nota icegig hjá aol ?
    Sendi á þig tölvupóst um helgina... þú kíkjir kannski á hann við gott tækifæri c",)
    Koss og knús úr rigningunni hér í Rvk.
    Luv Friðdóra Kr.