Thursday, December 15, 2005

Well, I'm starting to feel guilty because i'm not writing as often as I have in the past... but along with the lazyness comes a hatrid of computers. I don't know what it is... but I just really despise being on the computer... takes up too much of my valuable time. I guess it has a lot to do also with the fact that the computer that I usually use is in my fathers study.... which is SWAMPED with little allergy causing particles.... and I usually choke in there... cough cough cough... but anyways...
Well, Vala just told me that I can watch the Icelandic Bachelor on the internet... got to go...

the single darling


  1. Anonymous said...

    skil ekki alveg afhverju þú nennir þá að eyða tímanum þínum að horfa á bachelorinn! come on hildur. allt í goodie hérna...ekki en komið með eldhús en gólfið er allt að klárast...eða þannig séð! vonandi heyri ég í þér fljótlega beibí!

  2. Hildur Sólveig said...

    Hei, come on... síðasti bachelorinn, maður verður að fylgjast með honum! haha... skype-a þig vonandi bráðum!

  3. Anonymous said...

    soooooo just thought I would check in and say hey. I had a blast in Europe, mostly because I spent more time drinking than sober. There are some pictures hidden deep within my LJ and I'll probably add more eventually. I hope you're having a great time in the states, despite being in Virginia.

  4. Anonymous said...

    I resent that comment about VA.....we do live where America all began!!!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Gleðileg Jól sæta!
    Knús til allra frá mér c",)
    Friðdora stóra sys

  6. Anonymous said...


  7. Anonymous said...


  8. Hildur Sólveig said...

    gleðileg jól allir!!!