Monday, July 29, 2013

When your mom visits Nuuk, Greenland. Day 1.

Hello fans!
My mother visited me a couple of week backs. Her stay lasted 1 week and we only stayed in the Nuuk area. Many people visiting Greenland like to skip the Nuuk experience because they don´t feel they get a taste of "Real Greenland". These individuals are however mistaken. Nuuk is the capital of Greenland with interesting culture that blends old Greenland and new Greenland - and when it comes to it, this is real Greenland.

When conducting my interviews for my thesis on Nature-based tourism in Nuup Kangerlua (Nuuk Fjord), I often came across people who considered Nuuk borring. When discussing tourism, they would often ask me "well, what would you do in Nuuk if you had family or friends visiting you??", expecting me to also draw a blank. I always kept the optimistic "Oh I´m sure you can find something lovely to do" argument, which was usually met with A ROLLING OF THE EYES. With the upcoming blog posts (not the whole story at once... I have to keep you coming back...) I will show, prove and tell you how to create a lovely and incredible experience for your family/friends who visit Nuuk.

Now remember, my Icelando/American mother, who is also a grandmother, came to visit her daughter and grandson in Greenland. This is not a crazy drunken IBIZA story, nor is it some crazy crocodile dundee experience. The upcoming posts will build on Jóhanna´s Nuuk Experience (put together by her favorite daughter) and almost be a step-by-step guide telling you how you can be like us. Doesn´t get much better than that. So sit back, grab something to drink, and enjoy (put some Scooter on and grab the Vodka bottle if this starts getting desperate).

Day 1.
Greet mother/grandmother with a cute and crafted sign. Note, you spend the previous evening building up excitement during your craft time when the child is in bed so you can finally get the colored pencils to yourself. Then you kill some time in showing her every poster, picture, piece of gum on the floor you find interesting in the airport until she looks like she´s ready to breathe in the fresh Greenlandic air.

This same day after you drop off your bags in your apartment, you take your mother and dragon on a little stroll downtown to the Colonial Harbor. This is a great time and place to take cute pictures of the finally reunited grandmother and grandson, in a beautiful (and very Nuuk-ish) environment. Grab some early dinner and snuggle up around 21:00 because, A-HA!, sIceland is a whole 2 hours ahead of Greenland time. 

1 day down 6 to go. 
Until next time.