The Beatles truth
If there´s anything that you want. If there´s anything I can do. Just call on me and I´ll send it along, with love from me to you.
What a beautiful line. Is it not? That is a person saying that they will do whatever you ask them to do, and they´ll do it with love. What a great jesture! Is this only something that was back in the good-ole days, the 60´s, or do we still do these kinds of favours willingly? Maybe it was all the free love back then, or people´s reaction to war and they just felt like they should do things for people without thinking "what do I get from this?" Wouldn´t that be a great world we would live in if people thought more about others and less of themselves? Has our world turned into a place where you cannot survive unless you suck the soul out of you mates?
Love, all we need is love.
Love is all we need, I agree with you Paul McCartney. I would do anything to see the children in Africa smiling, to hear that AIDS is no longer a problem in this disease infested world of ours. Love is a healer and we must learn to nurture that thought. If we stop the racism, facistm, and predudice, them maybe we can learn to love those who are different from us. Put aside the money, the greed, and notice that there is more to the world then what you think. This world could be a beautiful, beutiful place if we broke down the walls of naiveness and shortsightedness.
Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. You may say I´m a dreamer, but I´m not the only one.
Hildur Sólveig