Sunday, February 24, 2008

What color is YOUR aura??

So the other day I went to the witch store (which store? THE WITCH STORE!) here in Ísafjörður. There they have all kinds of fortune telling books, how to read tarot cards, inscense etc. and then one book caught my eye, Aura reading for beginners. I picked it up, read the back of the cover, took it to the cash register and bought it. So... Lilja my aunt and myself will be reading everyones auras in a few weeks. If you don´t want us to know how you feel... then avoid us. Wait, NO DON´T! There´s not that many people around here who I hang out with... so please don´t avoid me, just tell me not to read your aura! PLEASE DON´T LEAVE ME GUYS! haha!

Hmm... other news. I was thinking about going to Reykjavík tomorrow but I think that idea is dead due to the fact that the "old boys" police soccer team is competing on Friday and Saturday and I´ll probably have to work on Friday. We shall see...

It´s snowing. I don´t know if that´s news to anyone... but... it´s still snowing.

Oh... more news! My partner´s leaving me. Yes, he´s off to Sheep River Hook. Not good... not good. Some blame my bad jokes, my singing and my hyperactivity. I don´t. ;)

Well... that´s it for now. I have noticed that NO ONE comments on my blog anymore, I´m most likely to blame since I went many weeks without blogging. BUT IF YOU READ THIS, I really wouldn´t mind a comment or two (not two from the same person... that would just be crazy).

(a picture of me and my cutie!)

Friday, February 15, 2008

just a little input

Yet again, we have a school shooting in the US. This time the state of choice was Illinois. The lucky state of Illinois was pulled out of the candy bag and stuck in the spoiled child’s mouth and chewed and chewed and chewed. It’s only a matter of time until all the states are going to be in the spoiled fat child’s mouth, all shaken and devastated because of the spoiled child who wants and asks for more and more and more. Now who is this spoiled child?

The child could be the government of the USA. The government that stands firm on the idea and its decision that gun control is bullocks. That according to the second amendment in the Bill of Rights of the United States written in 1791, let me say again… THE YEAR 1791… people have the right to bear arms in the United States of America. And by God, we do not dare amend that amendment because then the red neck, hillbillies, gangsters, hoodlums, terror stricken people that feel obliged to keep a gun in their nightstand to “keep out” the people who have guns, might object. BUT DO TELL ME….

What kind of impact would gun restrictions have on these situations? If people would have to fulfill greater qualifications in order to obtain a gun, what kind of impact would that have? Why is it that John Smith, who has mental health problems, can go out to his local gun store and buy a gun? Buy a gun and not have any training or have to take any course in order to get a gun license?

I am in awe. I am pro gun restriction. Get rid of the bloody gun.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hildur... can now phone home

My phone is not lost... despite prior announcements! I found it in a pile of snow. Must have fallen out of my car, aka I dropped it, when I was getting out of it last night. I found it this morning and I am very happy and relieved! So guys, you no longer have an excuse to not call me.



(p.s. no news on the pictures... I suck)