Monday, February 26, 2007

A little bit of feminism going on... ;)

Here on this site we can see the newest Dove commercial.

Dove got a lot of attention about a year or so ago when they started using different types of women´s bodies in their commercials and advertisements. For all I know, this attention was positive attention, for I don´t think people mind getting a wider scope on models in the industry today.
In Spain models are not allowed to weigh less than a certain number. I am not sure what that number is, but if someone knows, please fill me in. I have gotten mixed remarks about this rule that was passed in Spain. Is it simply a way for "fat" people to get to be models? Are we trying to make the "fat" people happy? Is this yet again another step towards an overweight world? A very simple and short answer: NO.

How sad is an industry getting when their employees are starting to starve and manipulate their body in such a way where they break apart and in the end die? This does not happen often, but just the fact that it does happens makes it once too often. It is also a known fact that girls look up to models and do compare themselves to them. The intensity of this comparison may vary incredibly, some may want to look exactly like the models, some may only look at their hair and say, "hey, that´s cool hair". Whether girls compare themselves a little or a lot to these women, what they look like affects other women and how they view themselves. What point am I trying to make? That skinny women should not be allowed to be used in advertisements? No. What I am trying to say is that the variety of the types of models used today should be increased. Not every woman today has a flat stomach, has size 34 C breasts, has tiny thighs etc. What about the woman with a big butt or the woman with the "womanly" waist? Should woman not be able to also see the models that look more like them and see that being beautiful does not necessarily mean small waist, small but, small boobs, and small stomache?

In today´s modeling society, Marilyn Monroe would not be an ideal model. This is very interesting when we know that she is viewed as one of the most successful movie stars and models of the 50´s and 60´s and still adored by many today.

My last words: What message are advertisements and the modeling agencies giving people today? That woman are supposed to be toothpick skinny, wear as little amount of clothes as possible and that sex sells. Great. Can´t wait to raise my children in such a world where people´s differences are not celebrated.

Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    Er alveg sammála þér, fæ í magann á að sjá þessar ,,fyrirmyndir" sem unglingar í dag eiga að líta upp til!! tískan er að borða ekki neitt, helst æla og vera bara skinn og bein. Mér finnst Dove auglýsingarnar töff, og það ætti að vera meira af þeim.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Ótrúlega flott auglýsing! :) Hildur, við gerum næstu saman. It will be sooooo great :D


  3. Dagný Rut said...

    Flottur pistill Hildur. Þú ert æði! Og ég ætla sko að vera með ykkur MögguStínu... þið fáið engu ráðið um það!

  4. Anonymous said...

    I like big butts and I can not lie
    You other brothers can't deny
    That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
    And a round thing in your face
    You get sprung
    Wanna pull up tough
    Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
    Deep in the jeans she's wearing
    I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
    Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
    And take your picture
    My homeboys tried to warn me
    But that butt you got
    Make Me so horney
    Ooh, rump of smooth skin
    You say you wanna get in my benz
    Well use me use me cuz you aint that average groupy

    I've seen them dancin'
    To hell with romancin'
    She's Sweat,Wet, got it goin like a turbo vette

    Sir Mix-a-lot

  5. Anonymous said...

    You go girl...

  6. Hildur Sólveig said...

    My anaconda don't want none
    unless you got buns hun!!!

    múahaha! En hver er annars Sir Mix-a-lot wannabe-ið?