Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Yes, I think it is time for a fun little story that has been told many a times to those who visit the family. As many of you may know, my father is quite a character. And like my mother who is unable to place an order at Kentucky Fried Chicken, aka KFC, because she doesn´t understand ebonics and ebonics does not understand the Icelandic accent of a red headed lady, my father also experiences some difficulties while ordering ice-cream at the local Dairy Queen (ice-cream shop). One day, it was probably hot and ideal ice-cream weather, the family (excluding me) went to Dairy Queen. The family members place their orders, knowing my brother he gets a Blizzard, my mother probably vanilla ice-cream in a cone. My father, not quite sure what he wants asks the cashier:

"Umm... what´s that ice-cream, the sundae, you know, with the hot fudge?"

"Umm.. A hot fudge sundae sir?" (a confused face is cast by the cashier)

"Yes, yes, a hot fudge sundae. I´m going to have one of those." (very happy to know the name of his favourite dessert)

"What size sir?"

"A HOOOOOOTTTTTT FUUUUUDDDGGGGGEEEEE SSSSSUUUUNNNNDDDDAAAAEEEEE....." (said very slow, anunciated, like he was talking to a mentally retarded person... hmmm....)

For some reason, just because my mother has experienced some difficuly in ordering at fast-food restaurants, my father wanted to make EXTRA sure that the cashier knew exactly what he was ordering. Whether he thought the cashier was deaf, slow or dear God I don´t know what, he wanted to make sure that he would not experience the same discomfort of not getting his message across, like my mother when she orders corn bread, mashed potatoes and gravy at the local KFC. Good job dad. You are the fast-food-restaurant-ordering-pro.

Well, that´s it for tonight/today. I love you dad :D

the favouritest daughter

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Miss 5-0, yes, 5-0

Ladies and gentlemen, I promise that I will do a better job at posting blogs from hereon.
Yes, as many of you know, I have become a police officer for the summer. I am filling in for those officers who are going on summer vacation here in Ísafjörður. So far things are going well and lets hope it all stays that way ;) So you trouble-makers, stop. hahaha!
I have not received a grade for my Thesis, I am waiting and waiting and waiting for my loan to come in so that I can buy myself a Snickers at the local store. Peanuts, caramel, nougout... or whatever... how did that commercial go? Welp, I don´t remember, so I don´t think yall remember either. WHOEVER can tell me how any ole Snickers commercial went, gets a Snickers from me when I finally get my loan. You lucky bastards. Until then I´ll keep eating my cucumbers.
It snowed the other day here in Ísafjörður and Suðureyri. I thought a Christmas tree and a Snickers bar would be awaiting me at Gramps and Grans house after my drive home from Ísafjörður last Thursday. But no, only my cucumber. Take that Santa (as I flash my handcuffs and muscles) Gotta love it.

Anywho, this has become a ramble scramble damble, as many of my friends know I am famous for. Hildur and her pointless stories. How long will it be until the other officers "get" me... yadíyadíyadí ;) HAHA!

love you all, yes, you all, that means all of you, you of the all.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

finally I´m back

Well, I think it´s about time to give a status report... since I haven´t written in FOREVER.

Well, first thing is first, I was able to complete my BA Thesis and am awaiting my grade. Lets hope it´s good ;) Then finally when I had completed the Thesis and turned it in and everything, I started getting stressed for the police test that was the 19th of May. Yes my dear friends, Hildur was trying to become a summer police woman. ;) So the test was Saturday the 19th. It all went pretty well, until we had to carry, or in my case DRAG a 78 kilo doll around the gym. I wasn´t able to lift the doll correctly in the beginning so I gradually got closer and closer and closer to the ground as the "test" went on. I was seriously starting to drag the damn doll when I reached the end cone. Then I collapsed and limped my way back to the group. NOT A GOOD FEELING.

but the good news... I passed and little ole Hildur will be a police officer in Ísafjörður this summer. I am hoping to leave tomorrow, if I am able to pack up my apartment since I am moving at the end of May to a new apartment. That apartment will most likely remain empty for the summer since I will be in Suðureyri... but that´s aight... cuz it just is ;)

So, a little fun stuff too... look at this advertisement in Blaðið, a newspaper here in Iceland...

Now look a little closer....

TADA!!! THERE WE ARE!!!! DAMN WE´RE GORGEOUS! (good thing we´re in the Social Science and Legal Department... advertising the Business department!!) :D

Thursday, May 03, 2007

the burg is missed

There has definitely been some homesickness going on these past couple of days... just wanted to let you guys know.

and Anna and Leah... the pictures will come up soon... I just have to find the cord... ;)

All I wanna do...

I want to get my hair cut.
I want to get my hair colored.
I want to go wax my legs.
I want to go get my eyebrows done.
I want to be finished with my BA Thesis.
I want to pass the police test.
I want to eat healty.
I want to have a clean apartment.
I want to move already.
I want to hug Anna.
I want my head to stop spinning.

Is that too much to ask?