Birthday Girl
Yippee!!! It's my birthday! 19 is definately not a very fun birthday though. There is nothing that special about 19. It's in between buying cigarettes and buying alcohol (when we are referring to Iceland). In the states, 19 is just not cool at all. It's unbelievable how time flies though. I still feel like my 17th birthday was 3 weeks ago... not 2 years ago. Hmmm, oh well, a year older a year wiser I do believe they say :) yea right... So, Silje and Kristin gave me this completely risky Corona bikini. Za boyz vill be druling zen. It was so great to see them again! I love those girls! Despite the short time that we got to hang out, we clicked together like 123. Oh, more exciting news is that we got a new puppy! A Yorkshire Terrior. She is soooo cute and tiny! We have no name yet, but i will keep ya'll posted with it. I still have no job, which is fine at the moment... but my bank account will be crying in a few days. Live today, worry tomorrow. Good saying eh? Today I went to meet Chris curler for lunch. He thought I wouldn't show up so therefore decided to start without me. Pfh! He was getting his ass kicked by the Cheese Shop. By the end of the day he'll probably have like 20 bumps on his head. Haha. It's all good though cuz he's going to find the secret ingredients in the Cheese Shop's house dressing. SCORE!!