Monday, June 07, 2004

Summer Fun

Ahhh... isn't it great when you can go outside and the humidity is low and the temperature only in about, let's say, the 80's? Not many would agree with me, but this is the type of temperature that suits me. Instead of having the scourching heat crispying my ever so white icelandic skin, I can actually go outside and enjoy myself! :) Well, I guess i'm a wimp when it comes to this Virginian temperature, what can I say... I've been where the temperature reaches a high of 22°c (you do the math). Yea, but I just came from the pool which is freezing compared to the Icelandic geothermally heated pools and it was so nice! Since I got back home, it´s been a lot, and i mean A LOT of "family time". Well, isn´t that nice though? Then as the day goes on, the father goes golfing, the brother goes to soccer practice and the mother goes (of course) shopping for food! YUM. But yea, Silje and Kristin are going to come to Williamsburg on Sunday. I´M SO EXCITED!! They are going to VA Beach for two days, and then traveling back to the 1700´s and going to Collonial Williamsburg. It should be fun! I am thinking about going to an Aerosmith concert next week... WOULDN´T THAT ROCK?? I do believe so...! Good times good times. Well, I will leave you all with a poem which me and this Hollandish girl I met in London wrote. Enjoy!

The to be famouse writer:
I know, always was a fighter
but she was not a short sighter
Her sun shone made all brighter
She smoked her Marlboro of red
spirit is strong, no health thread
But of course the alcohol did not go to her head
Life is for the living and smile when I´m dead
Tomorrow we will see if it did
waiting in anticipation for teh hit
Whether my workout all month has made me fit
nevertheless bodies decay as lain in a pit
Hildur Sólveig and Renete 30 May 2004