Thursday, January 27, 2005


If anyone can tell me of a photo page that does not cost anything and has a lot of memory for you to put on it... PLEASE tell me. The new photo page doesn't take any more pictures, and not everyone can view the old page. Therefore, I need a new album. I just wasted quite a lot of time trying to find stuff, and I really need to start writing my 6-8 page essay. JOY! HELP ME PLEASE!
the not so "computer-clever" blogger

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Pictures Pictures Pictures

I have just posted the pictures that I took this Christmas on the picture page! Please tell me, those of you in the US, if you are unable to view the pictures. I don't think ya'll can, so i'm going to have to find another picture page... but until I do, the pictures are GREAT! take my word for it! :)
Hildur Sólveig

Monday, January 24, 2005

The Mockery

Akureyri, the place where Icelanders want to go to go ski. It would be great if I would actually have my ski's with me. MAN OH MAN! I really should check it out and see how much old ski's cost. That would be the solution to my problems. But seeing how old ski boots treat me, i'm a little skeptic about how long they would actually last me. Hmm, we'll see. All I know is that I really should go skiing soon! The great outdoors. So, I finally moved all my stuff into my place on Thursday! FINALLY! My room is so ultimately COZY that I just really don't ever want to leave it, but then my parakeet starts yelling at me and will not stop... the constant nag of a sharp piercing chirp. So, then I have to get my ass out of my room, or... throw the damn thing into the storing room :) No just kidding, I don't really do that. This weekend was all right... ELSA (European Law Students Association) Iceland came to Akureyri and had some sort of lecture which included beer for us while we were listening. Then we went to Víking which is a beer plant, and we got to taste some of their delicious beer, then we went out to eat, and then a party which had 2 fairly big buckets of beer. The law department paid for the beer (can´t wait to see the expression on the foreman when he finds that out)!! :) Then after that we went downtown. There weren´t that many people out that night, but I had fun. Stopped some young bloke, who probably just got his drivers license, and had him jet me home. Haha, hey what can you do? These kids drive around the town, in the same circle every weekend, and expect not to get stopped? No, but the kids in the car thought I was hallarious (long time since that happened!) and really pulled through with the nice gesture. Then on the Saturday I rented some movies and just had it really cozy, all by myself. I woke up Sunday feeling great and cleaned the entire apartment. SVO DUGLEG! thank you thank you... ;) But yea, it was a nice weekend. Today my group lost in the mock trial that we did for class, even though I think we kicked ass! hehe... reasonable doubt there... NOT! the mockery... Well, this is sounding like a journal so I´m going to stop.


Mock loser

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Commoner

How good it is to be a commoner. Use the common language, read the common book, see the common things and laugh at the common jokes. The commoner wears the common clothes, eats the common food and thinks the common ideas. He wants to be among the commoners, blocks out the non-commoners and walks about the commons singing his commonly known song. Oh, the commoner has a good life. That is also why the commoner uses the Common Law.

Life here in Akureyri is going well. My plan to move in though isn't going anywhere... still have not moved my bed and stuff, oh how time flies when you are sleeping on an oh so comfy couch. Times are busy and no time to move. My aunt will help me though perhaps tomorrow. Coaching has started again, twice a week. The kids are so great and I am just so happy at work. Classes are all right... just haven't really fallen into the "study mode" yet, but that'll come with a little time. Um, homesickness has hit a couple of times... not good. But, before you know it, i'll be in the sunshine hitting the waves. The ski slopes have opened here in Akureyri, if only my ski boots hadn't exploded on me. Damn boots :) SO HALLARIOUS! Well, i'm really hungry and am going to go eat. I have to be more consistant with writting here. Adios!



Thursday, January 13, 2005

They call me the walking Snowplow

All right... well i'm back in Iceland, sitting in the library listening to The Smashing Pumpkins, trying to keep the tear from falling from my eye because it reminds me of Chris. When I think of Chris, I think of Anna, Leah, Gabe (who i didn't get to say bye to), John, Jeremiah and just everybody. All of a sudden I just got a homesick feeling, so I decided that I would blog. Yea, I haven't done that in a while, but hey... i was on break. Yes, sometimes I need to part away from my lovely computer... but I think the thing was that I was just having so much fun and so relaxed there at home, that I really just did not find any reason to blog about anything. I had all I needed. Well, it is good to be back here in Akureyri, but quite uneventful. I have a 20% test tomorrow, God help me. It is going to be a christmas tree test. Hopefully my lucky dice still works. Um, the apartment is good. My room is a bit small, but rooms usually look smaller when there is nothing in them. I haven't gotten anyone to help me move my bed, bookshelf or drawer. It'll be interesting to see how that will work out. Well, nothing will happen til tomorrow, because I have to study! So, you wanna talk about weather? Yea, -12 degrees C, TONS OF SNOW!!! Lovely, eh? Well, yesterday I decided to go to the store, had to buy some food for the new apartment, and I filled up two bags of groceries. Well, I decided to walk past my old house, when I get this brilliant idea that I will hang the two bags on the wheel of the bike so that my arms won´t fall off. So I go get my bike, covered in snow, dust it off and hang the bags on the steering wheel. Then I start walking. It was a little bit trivial at first, but I got the hang of it after a little bit. So I keep walking, even attempt, KEY WORD ATTEMPT, to sit on the bike without success, until I see that the trail in the snow all of a sudden stops! What the hell was that?!? The wind had blown the snow all over the walking path, and there was only this tiny trail of footmarks left. Since I was wearing my snazzy new rubber-boots, i walked in the snow and tried to plow my bike through the snow, grocery bags flying all over the place, a Cambell´s soup can banging against my leg and NO GLOVES! TE-RRRRRR-IBLEEEE hea hea hea hea (haha, Anna that´s Claire! ;) ) HAha, well i´m over and out.
Miss Plowman