They call me the walking Snowplow
All right... well i'm back in Iceland, sitting in the library listening to The Smashing Pumpkins, trying to keep the tear from falling from my eye because it reminds me of Chris. When I think of Chris, I think of Anna, Leah, Gabe (who i didn't get to say bye to), John, Jeremiah and just everybody. All of a sudden I just got a homesick feeling, so I decided that I would blog. Yea, I haven't done that in a while, but hey... i was on break. Yes, sometimes I need to part away from my lovely computer... but I think the thing was that I was just having so much fun and so relaxed there at home, that I really just did not find any reason to blog about anything. I had all I needed. Well, it is good to be back here in Akureyri, but quite uneventful. I have a 20% test tomorrow, God help me. It is going to be a christmas tree test. Hopefully my lucky dice still works. Um, the apartment is good. My room is a bit small, but rooms usually look smaller when there is nothing in them. I haven't gotten anyone to help me move my bed, bookshelf or drawer. It'll be interesting to see how that will work out. Well, nothing will happen til tomorrow, because I have to study! So, you wanna talk about weather? Yea, -12 degrees C, TONS OF SNOW!!! Lovely, eh? Well, yesterday I decided to go to the store, had to buy some food for the new apartment, and I filled up two bags of groceries. Well, I decided to walk past my old house, when I get this brilliant idea that I will hang the two bags on the wheel of the bike so that my arms won´t fall off. So I go get my bike, covered in snow, dust it off and hang the bags on the steering wheel. Then I start walking. It was a little bit trivial at first, but I got the hang of it after a little bit. So I keep walking, even attempt, KEY WORD ATTEMPT, to sit on the bike without success, until I see that the trail in the snow all of a sudden stops! What the hell was that?!? The wind had blown the snow all over the walking path, and there was only this tiny trail of footmarks left. Since I was wearing my snazzy new rubber-boots, i walked in the snow and tried to plow my bike through the snow, grocery bags flying all over the place, a Cambell´s soup can banging against my leg and NO GLOVES! TE-RRRRRR-IBLEEEE hea hea hea hea (haha, Anna that´s Claire! ;) ) HAha, well i´m over and out.
Miss Plowman |
Haha...sé þig alveg fyrir mér með pokana, þú ert svo mikill ofurhugi!=) Þessi önn verður svo fljót að líða að þú verður komin heim aftur áður en þú veist af, time flies when you're having fun og það er ein massaskemmtileg árshátíð sem þarf bæði að skipuleggja og skemmta sér á!=) Knús&koss Andrea
Það er nú enginn meiri orkubolti heldur en þú. Vonandi verður þú nú komin með gott rúm til að sofa á og dótið þitt um helgina. Þú ert nú alveg frábær bloggari. 1000 kossar frá USA
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