Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Well people... I have gotten myself a photo-page once again. This one is much more convenient and I hope you guys check out the pics and enjoy. The ones from the summer of 2004 are whack... a lot of hanging out with the good old Einarsson's!! :) OLÉ OLÉ OLÉ OLÉ!!!

So sleeping in your own bed is probably the best feeling in the world. Even though you may not be sleeping, just hanging out in your own bed is awesome. I second that idea that was in Sex and the City about making a bar called Bed. Beds all over the place... one would just have to be careful not to catch any bed-bugs. YIKES! We picked up the dogs today too... they could not have been more happy to see us. I´ll have to take some pictures now that I´m in the burg and can steel two cameras. Arni got a new camera in San Diego the other day that he´s been waving in my face since I saw him today... so I think I deserve some alone-time with it. I´ve been teaching him on guitar all day... in between me loading the washing machine. Clean my precious clothes from the Washington smog. I love being home.

Magni did quite a good job tonight during Rockstar Supernova... I thought he was a bit nervous, but he definitely pulled through! Hope you all are voting for him as I write this... I already did. Several times :D Hey, support the eskimos!



  1. Anonymous said...

    where yo pics from cambridge?????????? where yo post about fabulous boston, MASS???

  2. Anonymous said...

    Ferðu ekki að koma heim, kellíng?!
    Jú ó mí a keik ;)

  3. Anonymous said...

    yo, not onnnnnne fucking picture of leah rocking the summer 2005 pix. FUCKED UP, YO!

    hehehheheheheh, jk. get em up, tho.\
    much love,
    guess fucking who

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hæ sæta !

    Símanúmerin ykkar úti eru dottin út hjá mér :-( Hvenær kemur þú til landsins ??? Sendu mér endilega tölvupóst með símanúmerinu c",)
    Knús í krús Friðdóra stóra sys

  5. Anonymous said...

    Að öllum líkindum kemst ég ekki á Akureyri á nýnemavikuna. Þú verður því að kíkja á mig vestur. Helst fyrir september. Erum á leiðinni til Spánar í byrjun sept.
    Hlakka til að sjá þig!

    kv. Auður og Alexander

  6. Anonymous said...

    HEY HILDUR....i miss ya sooooooo much.
    later dude,

  7. Anonymous said...

    YO DUDE,
    Update this shit....Thanks.

  8. Anonymous said...

    YO DUDE,
    Update this shit....Thanks.

  9. Anonymous said...

    I meant to do that twice....for effect.