Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hello, I love you wont you tell me your name...

I think I should just stop while I’m ahead. My name is Hildur Sólveig and I´m a 22 year old lass that has hip problems. Today it is the left side of my hip. It needs to pop into place, pop out of place or just rest… I don’t know, and I don’t care…. I shouldn’t have to deal with a weird hip. My friend Birna told me to do like Barry Manilow and just get a new one. Who knows, when I am rich I may just have to do that. I would however like to point out the fact that Barry Manelo is old (er) and I am young (er). This is just not fair.

This is him after his hip surgery... what a happy camper!!!

I am sometimes lazy when it comes to sitting in front of my computer and putting my thoughts into words. I will make no excuses. I love you all. ;)

My friend Pálína came to Akureyri this weekend and Pálína, Eva Björk and myself had a blast. We went to a coffee house, got invited to a Polish (I think) party-table, hung out cozy style at my place, went partying and danced our tooschies off, went on a road trip to Mývatn and ate dinner together twice! We had fun. We are fun. Look up fun in the dictionary and you will see this picture.

Me, Pálína and Eva Björk

My ceramics class has finished and now I can go to Punkturinn whenever I want to be crafty. I showed my brother Árni some of my masterpieces via the camera on my computer and he laughed. Stupid fool, now he can rest assured that he WILL get something hand-made for Christmas. You shouldn’t have laughed brother.

I really want to go visit my grandparents soon. Maybe I will just leave one Thursday and spend a long weekend there. That would be fantastic. Grams and gramps are missed.

Welp, I have to get going. Hope you all enjoyed my little post. Remember the words of wisdom at the end of the post.


*It doesn’t do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.*


  1. Unknown said...

    Hey... gaman að fá smá pistil frá þér sæta mín ;-)
    Knús úr Hjallanum
    Stóra sys, bumbukrílin og Eydís skvís

  2. Anonymous said...

    Falleg mynd af ykkur :) En bíddu hvar er myndin af mér..hmmmm.... síðast þegar ég gáði þá var einnig mynd af mér þegar orðið var slegið upp..Þarf að skoða þetta.

  3. Lilja said...

    hey líst ótrúlega vel á þessa hugmynd þína að kíkja vestur. Þín er líka saknað sárt og það ekki bara af djamminu trúðu mér. Það verður að segjast eins og er að ég sakna þess að þú droppir ekki við, t.d. um 23:30 eftir vinnu, bara til að segja "hæ.. hvað segirðu..." Styð því þessa hugmynd heilshugar og grams er sammála, hún spyr mig reglulega hvort ég hafi heyrt frá þér.

    Come soon....

  4. Anonymous said...

    Hey sæta. Takk fyrir frábæra helgi. Verður endurtekið fljótt, jafnvel bara í kvöld.... Kveðja Eva