Monday, March 24, 2008


Oh what happened to my enthusiastic writing abilities? Well, sometimes I just don’t have much to say, sometimes I’m lazy and don’t want to write, sometimes I just don’t feel like it. But like right now, when I start, I can’t stop... I just need to write more often.

Anywho... sorry for not writing... it happens to the best of us.

Easter, Easter, Easter. Yes, this was the big Easter weekend and this little lady was working. Day shift. Soooooo... worked a lot, slept very little, ate tons of candy and tried to make the best of it. Was I successful?? Ehhhh... no comment. But yes, here are some notes:

1. The rock festival “Aldrei fór ég suður” was on Friday and Saturday... went fairly well although I only saw 2 bands play

2. One pick-up truck ended up in the ocean... no one got hurt

3. I got two Easter eggs... one from myself

I locked my car keys/ house keys in the house this morning on my way to work, had to call my uncle, wake him up and run up the hill to get the spare-keys. Not good. This was at 6:30 a.m. The day after Easter is a holiday here so… um… yea… woke him up damn early. Then he drove me down the hill and I was happy. Got to work a tad bit late but nothing to cry over…

Oh… something I was always going to tell you all about… I had a little car mishap several weeks ago where my car had a mind of its own and wanted to go a little off-roading. So, the Sizzler and I ended up sliding off the road coming home from work and got stuck. Stuck stuck stuck. It took 2 cars to drag me up. I am going to have to post some pictures in the near future. Be patient. ;)

Well… This is it for now… Hope everyone had a great Easter and ate a lot of candy. I did. Múahahahha!



  1. Anonymous said...

    Halló Hildur
    Var fyrir vestan um páskana en sá þig aldrei, gat mér þess til að þú hefðir verið að vinna þar sem að margir voru komnir í héraðið. Þetta voru góðir páskar. Sjáumst vonandi um mánaðarmótinn apríl/maí.
    Kveðja af Skaganum
    Anna Bjarna

  2. Anonymous said...

    Bíddu hvernig fórstu að því að læsa þig úti áður en þú fórst í vinnuna? Fórstu út til að sækja póstinn???? ;)
    Saknaðar kveðjur frá Árósum