Monday, October 13, 2008

surprises, cakes and 2 girls...

I have decided that I need a maid. Yes, a woman or man who would come to my little apartment and clean it... maybe once a week. That would be nice. VERRRRY nice. So yes, I have been cleaning my apartment today. I felt so dirty after having been in Sara´s spanking clean apartment yesterday that I just felt that I couldn´t be a lesser woman and have a messy apartment. So I´ve been cleaning. Not studying, but cleaning. The priority list is... psh what priority list.

So, as I bust my ass, Trixy sits in the couch, on top of all the cushions like a little princess sleeping. I think I should have named her Garfield. That´s another story...

So, a little weekend tell-all. Sara and I went to a birthday party on Friday. Jaime, a Spaniard working here and lives in Útsteinn (student housing) was having a birthday party and Sara and I were invited. The interesting part was that we didn´t even know who Jaime was, how old he was or what in the world he was doing in Iceland. But, we were invited, and like two courteous girls, we accepted the invitation. When one is invited to a birthday party, one should bring a present. We are poor and didn´t know Jaime and therefore didn´t have a clue what he would like for his birthday. So what do the two geniuses do...? We built a cake. A chocolate Betty C cake and decorated it with gummies! NAMMI NAMMI. It was beautiful. So, having spent like 4 hours on the cake, we decided to get ready for the surprise birthday party. It was suppose to start at 22:00 sharp. I think we arrived at 11:30 sharp. Blame it on the titans.

We had a blast and below are some pictures to confirm that.

Me and my cutie...

We built a cake... a beauty... we didn´t know how old he was but we knew he was twenty something so we put 2?

We were veeeeerrrrryyyyyy proud...

And of course very cool while walking to Útsteinn...

And oh so excited for the BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!



  1. Anonymous said...

    Mikið skemmtum við okkur vel um helgina...eigum við að ræða eitthvað hvað kakan sló í gegn....hún var ekki bara stórglæsileg heldur rosalega góð. Og slóvanski "tungumála" leikurinn ahaahh fólk hefur haldið að við værum eitthvað bilaðar. Hvenær er eiginlga næsta afmæli ég er strax farin að hlakka til. En annars með þrifin...ég held að Harry sé að leita sér að vinnu, gætir líka fengið Yi Chiao fyrir lítinn pening hihihihih.

  2. Lilja said...

    Og hvar er svo myndin af afmælisdrengnum og hvað varð hann gamall og af hverju er hann á Íslandi og hvernig líkaði honum afmælisgjöfin.... já spyr sá sem ekki veit....

  3. Anonymous said...

    Já ég er sammála spurningunum hér að ofan. Maður fær ekki að vita aðal dæmið í sögunni hehe. Af hverju, hversu, hvernig????? Og voru þið kannski þau einu í pratýinu? Það mætti halda að það hafi bara ekki verið neitt partý og enginn afmælisdrengur. Myndir segja meira en þúsund orð....