Friday, October 10, 2008

Sara´s Christmas present

I go to class on Tuesdays and Fridays. If it wasn´t for Trixy I would be in bed until ~12:00 every day. Instead she wakes me up at 9:00 if not 8:00. I don´t even use an alarmclock anymore. Sara has trouble waking up in the mornings and I call her when I wake up. I told her to get a dog. She said no. Someone else told her to get a kid. She said NO. Maybe she needs Arnis "worlds loudest alarm clock". I think I always woke up before the alarm rang after hearing the ring on that thing. Good Christmas present, eh? Sara, you´re in for some good mornings....

The ever so considerate...


  1. eiby baby said...

    Flottar eru þið;0). Mér finnst skrýtið að Sara vilji hvorki hund né barn . . . . . . he he he.

  2. Anonymous said...

    ahahha já ég þarf svo að fá mér svona klukka. Ég hef bara ekkert sé þær á markaðnum. ....en hvar væri ég án þín Hildur...sennilega ennþá í rúminu.