What a lecture we had today....
So today there was a lecture about drug-use in Akureyri. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Akureyri, have drugs been on the top of discussion when Akureyri is mentioned.Today, we were so lucky to get a spokesman from the office of the Sýslumann, which can roughly be translated to the office of the town "sheriff". Well, he came to the University and gave a lecture about drugs, what drugs were, how drug users have a "disease" and how we should fight that "disease". Now, listening to this lecture were quite a few people who I know are in AA. They were not too keen on hearing that drug users had a disease. Rather, that the drugs brought about them an addiction, if I understood correctly.
The speaker also said how cannabis was less harmful than harder drugs, and that this was scientifically proven. He also said that children found with alcohol under the legal age are unaplicable to punishment. Then the genious also pointed out that those who start using drugs use them before they use alcohol, and that kids these days have a hard time finding alcohol.
For the record, this is complete bullshit.
As many of us have tried cannabis, some of us liked it, some of us did not. Out of most of the people who have tried cannabis, I believe they have tried alcohol before lighting up the pipe. On the other note, for those people who have gone into harder drugs, they did not start off using the harder drugs, but was cannabis the so called "gate-way" drug to those other drugs. For the record, the speaker did not know what I was talking about when I mention that cannabis was a "gate-way" drug. Don´t get me wrong, I´m not saying that all people who use cannabis are lead to other drugs, but those who have gone to use harder drugs usually do so by first using cannabis. Then in my opinion when one speaks of as drugs being a bad thing (as the speaker did), I do not believe one can say that cannabis is not as bad as other drugs, for it often leads from one to the other.
Now, because cannabis is illegal, I also criticize the speaker for saying that one drug is less harmful than another drug. Who is he to decided that. Would cannabis be legal, I would accept that statement from him, but whereas it is not, I think it was a very unprofessional thing for a man with his status to say.
I also want to make a remark about how he dealt with alcohol. "Now, I´m sure we all had a taste of alcohol before we were the age of 18." Wow, what a role-model. Way to respect the laws of the land.
That´s all I have to say of the matter.
between-drug use-Hildur
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