Thursday, November 09, 2006

another thursday...!?!?

Ok... I don´t know what´s up with the thursday thing... Maybe when I realize that it´s been a week since I wrote last time, I start to get a little nervouse and feel some sort of obligation to write. ;)

So the big 80th birthday party in Suðureyri went really well! IT WAS SPECTACULAR! The old man was so happy and the whole family was soooo glad to see each other. I will tell you, all of the cousins... my cousins and I and the rest of all of us... THE FAMILY... are all such good friends! If I could could get a dollar for all the parties that have consisted basically only of family... I would be a rich rich rich girl. WHAT IS MY POINT? when you are in a place that consists of 350 people... you have no friends other than family ;)

So Jessup is on Monday... MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY... I think of this day and I see doomsday! No, just kidding... we´ve been getting some good practicesi in and all so It´ll be really fun to see how we do... cross your fingers!!!! And all of you who are in RVK on monday... I think the competition is supposed to be around 17:00, COME WATCH US!

love you all <3,
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    Ég kæmi ef að ég væri fyrir sunnan :) Gangi þér vel og sjáumst eftir viku :)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Bíddu bíddu, ertu fyrir sunnan? eða að koma suður :) ég ætla að vona að þú hafir samband :D heyri í þér :)