Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Cafe Carolina

All right, well that previous post was from last week just so ya'll know. As we speak, i'm sitting at a coffee house by the name of Caffé Karólína. It's a really nice hole in the middle of a hill, you know how Akureyri is... So, like usual, the stress of school is still on. The people in my class and I have come to the conclusion that we are going to be stressing every single week for 5 years. It'll be the best 5 years of my life, eh? Haha, i said eh the other day and i was asked if I was from Canada! i was like what? no! fooled him! haha.... such humour! I tell you, i have found the reason why i hang out at coffee houses all the time instead of going home.... I don't like being at home. My epipheny! (damn i hope that's spelled right) :) So yea, i'd rather just hang out here and hang out with my artsy self listening to some immensly annoying girls play cards. My card playing peeps... we were not like them! So yea, I have a really good friend here in Akureyri who goes by the name of Sólveig. I believe she saved me. Had we not met, i don't know what i would've done. I wish i had something fun and funny to say but, mmmm do i ever. Yea, poverty is starting to stike the country of Hildur Sólveig. It's terrible. Ohh, I'm going to start coaching again. yippee! 2 a week, 45 minutes. Then yesterday the "party-counsil" met. It's going to be a lot of fun! HOORAH! all right, i have to get studying... the story of my life... oh, one thing i've decided is that learning is fun. it's fun knowing more one day than you did the other. All right, Hildur's words of wisdom! Adios!