Thursday, September 02, 2004

ROMAN LAW. The word i have started to dread is invading my life. I woke up this morning and the first thing that came to my mind was ius civile. how lovely. after being at the library til 2 o´clock last night reading for a test on friday, i rode my yellow bike home, only to find that after my 20 cups of coffee that i wasn´t tired. so therefore being on my caffeinne high, i hung out for like an hour waiting to doze off. At three i was successfull in my attempt, slept 4.5 hours and rode my ass to school, only to be in a class about how to use the internet library. ahhh, TIRED. So, i decide to blog. These weeks have been all right. Last Sunday Einar got confirmed! It was so cute! he is such a kid in my eyes, and then all of a sudden when he started walking down the church aisle, i got teary (since it is a damn wedding). I tell you, the nerves were definately going crazy that weekend. I had to say adios to the fam, which was a waterfall. Rediculousé.