Monday, April 17, 2006

easter vacation.... ahhh relaxation

All right already! Because of Dagný´s little kick in the ass, I´ll write something finally. HAPPY EASTER YESTERDAY EVERYBODY. Boy has it been fun here in Suðureyrar city. The pool´s been open, family filled the town, and the "aldrei fór ég suður" concert was really good! Anyone want to guess the funniest part of the vacation? On Easter Sunday the people who were playing at the concert all, well most, came to church! THE CHURCH WAS FULL!!! Now, for those of you who don´t know, or have never been to church in Suðureyri, THAT DOESEN´T HAPPEN VERY OFTEN!!! The pop-ers filled up one side of the church, the townies the other. I felt so country. hahaha! I would have thought that they would have sung more to the psalms, but after a night of drinking many bottles of booze, I don´t think it produced the ideal health situation for sitting in church the next day.
So, I´m planning on staying here all week. Go to the pool and relax. Just take it easy. Chill a little bit.... if ya´ll catch my drift. :)
Hope everyone´s having a nice break, and I pitty you who are going to work tomorrow!!! ahrhahrahrhahrhahrhahrahahhahhahah
Hildur Sólveig


  1. Anonymous said...

    YO ONLY A FEW SHORT WEEKS TILL I JOIN YOU IN ICELAND!!! IM SO EXCITED. when will you be on skype?? i dont blame you for xnaying the computer......stay as far away from it as you can for vacation!!!

  2. Dagný Rut said...

    Gott að heyra að vestfirðirnir fari svona vel í þig. Hlakka samt til að sjá þig hér á norðurlandinu. Það er ekkert gaman að segja SAY WHAAAAAAAT þegar enginn segir það á móti!!!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Gleðilega páska og GLEÐILEGT SUMAR ;)

  4. Hildur Sólveig said...

    Gleðilegt sumar sömuleiðis Herdís mín! Vona að þú hafi það gott í borgini ;)