Sunday, April 02, 2006


When will the summer come come come? This snow is just going to make me flee to the States this summer. I have gotten an overdose of cold weather... I´m ready for a change. Change change change. By the way, I hate not having a car. It definitly blows. If I could squeeze 3 hours into the day, so that each day would be 27 hours, then I would be fine. Whereas that is not an option, I´m screwed. IF THE SNOW WOULD JUST DISAPPEAR, then things would maybe go a little bit smoother because then I could ride my bi-cy-cy-cycle... oh wait, nope, that got stolen! Well lucky me, I´ve got some boots that were obviously made for walkin, and by God, they will be walked. Well, that´s what happens when you don´t take care of your shit! SHIT HAPPENS. I really have to check to see if my bike is at the police station... one day, one day.



  1. Anonymous said...

    CONGRATUALTIONNNNSS!!!!!!!!!!! how goes it??? 5 weeks till iceland:) are you coming home with me after that????look for me on skpe around tuesday....ive been crazy bussy... i miss you!

  2. Anonymous said...

    til hamingju með kosninguna...
    þú átt eftir að standa þig þrusuvel í þessu starfi sem og öðru....
    kv. Pálína

  3. Anonymous said...

    hæhæ, kemurðu ekki vestur í sæluna um páskana? ;) ég fer semsagt núna pottþétt vestur á fimmtudeginum, þú verður að koma!! ég og Adda höldum upp á tvítugsafmælið mitt og nítján ára afmælið hennar :D þetta verður stórt stórt stórt partý :D:D
    Hlakka allavega til að sjá þig ef þú kemur :)

  4. Anonymous said...

    bicycle, bicycle...i want to ride bicycle, i want to ride my bike!

  5. Anonymous said...

    we need to set up a time to skype. shit, man! it's been years since we've spoken...and i come to iceland in LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!!!
    hope everything is rocking.

  6. Hildur Sólveig said...

    ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! you come to iceland in less than a month!!!!

  7. Anonymous said...

    úú til hamingju með kosninguna getur nú bara verið gaman er þæggi allavega ekki leiðinlegt. Svo er þetta fínt á CV-ið.

    kossar og knús til þín
    Hildur María

  8. Dagný Rut said...

    Jæja kona bloggaðu nú. Segðu okkur hvernig lífið er fyrir vestan.