Wednesday, September 26, 2007

sunny today... cloudy tomorrow?

When I was younger I saw a tv show where a kid had a rubberband ball. Yes, a ball made out of rubber bands. You find a rubber band, you add it to your ball, your ball grows bigger. I wanted to start my own rubberband ball. I searched the house for rubberbands, stole some from the teachers desk at school, but that wasn´t enough for me to start my VERY OWN rubber band ball. Some other kids who also decided to start a rubberband ball (obviously the cool thing to do) had all gotten so much further than me in their collection so I did the only thing left to do. I made my mum drive me to the store to get "school supplies" aka RUBBER BANDS. Yes, and I bought probably 2 packs of 100 rubber bands. Screw finding the damn things. Why waste time when you can just buy them?

This got me to thinking what an impatiant person I am. When I have a brilliant idea I want to engage in it asap. Maybe not even asap, rather PRONTO. Too bad those ideas aren´t always as well thought out and planned as they could be and at times even seem like pretty stupid ideas. But now I ask you, do we think too much about the decisions we make? Is it such a crime to be sparatic and live in the now? I don´t think so, but the me tomorrow might not agree with me. The me tomorrow will kick me in the shins for making hasty decisions, sparatic decisions, stupid decisions. That´s why I like the me today!!


Live for today for tomorrow might be cloudy.


  1. Stina Jona said...

    já ég þekki þetta. enda er ég með fullan skáp af fataefni sem ég ætlaði að sauma....ég verð fljótt leið.
    ég veit ekki alveg hvort maður pælir of mikið í hlutum...reyndar þá mundi maður oftast ekki framkvæma neitt. þessi skyndiflutningsákvörðun er gott dæmi um það:)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Frábært að lesa pælingarnar þínar elskan, eins og talað út úr mínu hjarta :)